On Palm Sunday, I shared with the congregation some thoughts about the donkey on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem. According to the Gospel of John, it was a donkey colt–just a baby! People were used to Roman soldiers riding into town on their gigantic horses, reminding them not to mess with the powers that be. John compared Jesus (along with his message, life and “leadership style”) with the Roman Emperor and those who represented him. (Hence, the baby donkey!) The emperor was known as the one who took away life from the common people. John portrays Jesus as the one who gives life to the common people–and everyone else for that matter. Over and over again in John’s Gospel, we see Jesus giving life, talking about life, promising life, and living life. He offered not only a quantity (eternal), but a quality (abundant).

As we prepare ourselves to partake of Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday, may we open our hearts to Jesus–the Bread of Life. As we prepare ourselves to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday, may we open our hearts to the life he offered: eternal and abundant…the life that not even death can take away!

I invite you to join us at Koloa Union Church as we celebrate life!!!

Kahu Alan Akana