A Message From Kahu: January 8th, 2024

Pastor Alan on sebatical

A Message From Our Kahu

“A New Year, A New Vision”

2024 has been a great year in the life of our church, and I am anticipating 2025 to be even better! When I think of all of the lives we have touched and all of the projects we have accomplished last year, I am full of gratitude for all of the members and friends of the church. So many people have been blessed by our worship services, our prayers (and prayer quilts!), our compassionate outreach to people who are struggling financially, and our welcoming fellowship. We have such a great group of young people who are active in our worship services and our church’s outreach. We have built a modern (and larger!) kitchen, have fully restored the east wall of the sanctuary by replacing all of the windows and wooden structure around them, and have built a sound-proof wall between Moore Hall and the Isoda Room (my office and the Sunday school classroom).

Most of you have seen our new vision for the next three years, which we will adopt at our Annual Meeting on February 2. Part of that vision is to enhance Christian Education for all ages, and the Church Council has already expanded Tiffany Marrotte’s job description from Youth Director to Christian Education Director. This is a very important decision as we consider the many ways that we learn and grow in our faith through every phase of life. I know that Tiffany is creating a survey specifically to hear from the adults of the church about your needs and desires in this area. Please let Tiffany know your thoughts.

Our first Aloha Hour meal with our new kitchen will be (hopefully) on Sunday, February 2, after the Annual Meeting and the blessing of the kitchen. At this point we plan to have an Aloha Hour meal once a month. If there is interest (and volunteers!) we can do this more often.

Another significant part of our vision is to attract more people. We know we have a wonderful church community and inspiring worship services, and so we want to let more people know about us! We will be focussing more on social media and public service announcements to inform the community about some of our special events. However, the best way to attract new people is by YOU inviting them—and so I hope you will start thinking about people you know who might love attending a worship service, an outreach project, a class, or just something we do for fun!

I am looking forward to a very special celebration on February 2nd and hope to see you there. I also hope you’ll bring someone with you!

Aloha Nui Loa!


Church News: December 5th, 2024

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service

Koloa Union Pastor Kahu Alan Akana

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service

You can click the button below to watch a video of a recent worship service:

Watch the most recent worship service

Watch ALL of Our Worship Services

Please Share!

Our online worship services are a great way to introduce people to Koloa Union Church…and provide inspiration and hope to friends and family!

Feel free to forward this email or send the YouTube link to anyone whom you think would enjoy watching our online worship service.

Share our worship service with even more people! You can also put the link of any video of our worship services directly onto your Facebook page and thereby introducing every one of your Facebook friends to our worship services and our church!

Church Office Closed 


Support Maui Koloa Union Church
Support Maui Koloa Union Church

Holiday Community Outreach

Stop Covid Sign

Holiday Community Outreach

Christmas Stockings

We will deliver Christmas stockings filled with gift cards and goodies to families who are struggling financially. Please bring your spare change, cash or checks to feed the Outreach Jar that supports our holiday community outreach.

Funds for the Christmas Stockings will be collected through December 15th.

Stop Covid Sign

Kitchen Update

Stop Covid Sign

Kitchen Update

A Modern, Stainless Steel, Fully-Equipped Kitchen

With Serving Windows Into Moore Hall and the Patio!

Progress Continues!

The major construction for our new kitchen has been completed. Painting should be done by next week, and then the appliances will be moved from Moore Hall and placed in the kitchen. After the final inspection, the kitchen will be ready for use! Keep your eyes open for our January newsletter, in which we will announce our next church luncheon!

THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to the kitchen fund!

Sanctuary Windo Repair

Stop Covid Sign

The windows on the east wall of the sanctuary (the wall facing the street) have been restored. The wooden framing has been replaced and the new glass has been tinted. The scaffolding will be taken down this week. The wall looks brand new! Mahalo nui loa to all those who have given “over and above” these past few months in order to help pay for this urgent project!

Youth News

Youth Group Events Koloa Kauai Church

Youth Gathering – For Middle School & High School Youth

Sunday, December 8, 4:45 – 7:00 p.m. Location to be determined

Sunday, December 22, 4:45 – 7:00 p.m. Youth Christmas Party At The Smith Memorial Parsonage

Youth: Please RSVP to Aunty Tiffany by the previous Wednesday if you plan to attend!

Adult Volunteers: Please consider volunteering your home or providing a dish or two for a meal in December.

Youth Group Events Koloa Kauai Church
Youth Group Events Koloa Kauai Church

Alan Akana Gallery

Youth Gathering Event Koloa Union Church

We Are Open for Business!

Alan Akana Gallery HOLIDAY HOURS

Sunday Open Houses December 8 & 15 Noon to 6 p.m.

As always, also open by appointment Located In The Smith Memorial Parsonage 3281 Waikomo Road Koloa, HI 96756 Appointments may be made: By phone: 808-855-8806 By email: [email protected]

Funds from sales at the gallery support the care and maintenance of the Smith Memorial Parsonage.

Visit Gallery

Lectio Divina


Christmas Party

Kauai Quilting Class Prayer Meeting Koloa

Christmas Eve Party

Kauai Quilting Class Prayer Meeting Koloa

The Christmas Fund

Kauai Quilting Class Prayer Meeting Koloa

United Church of Christ Christmas Fund

December 22 and 24 Sunday Morning and Christmas Eve

This special offering, administered by the United Church of Christ Pension Boards, provides direct financial assistance to retired and active UCC authorized ministers and lay employees and their surviving spouses, including pension and health premium supplementation, emergency assistance, and Christmas “thank you” checks. Each year, UCC congregations throughout the country collect this offering to assist faithful servants of God who are facing financial difficulties. We not only share hope, peace, joy and love with them; but they, in turn, pass these things along to others in their communities and in the world.

We will collect the Christmas Fund offering on December 22 at Sunday morning service and December 24 Christmas Eve service. Offering envelopes will be provided.

Please write checks to “Koloa Union Church” and write “Christmas Fund” on the note section of your check. If you would like to make a donation online, please write “Christmas Fund” in the comment section. Thank You for Supporting The Christmas Fund!

Prayers & Squares


Prayers and Squares Tuesday, January 7, 2024 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Prayers & Squares will meet on Tuesday, January 7, in Moore Hall from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a ministry promoting prayer using hand-tied quilts. Volunteers with all ranges of quilting experience may join them for prayer, fellowship, stitching, and learning about quilting. The motto: “It’s not about the quilt; it’s all about the prayers.” The group continues creating prayer quilts to be distributed at Wilcox Hospital.

If you or someone in your ohana are in need of a tangible representation of prayer, please contact Debbie Gunning to request a quilt.

Annual Church Meeting


Lectionary Readings


Each week, Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one reading each Sunday.

Readings for December 8: Baruch 5:1-9; Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79; Philippians 1:3-11

Readings for December 15: Zephaniah 3:14-20; Isaiah 12:2-6; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18

Readings for December 22: Micah 5:2-6; Luke 1:46-55; Psalm 80:1-7; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-55

Readings for December 24: Isaiah 62:6-12; Psalm 97; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:1-20

Readings for December 25: Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-20

Readings for December 29: 1 Samuel 2:18-26; Psalm 148; Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52

Readings for December 31: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13; Psalm 8; Revelation 21:1-7; Matthew 25:31-46

Readings for January 1: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13; Psalm 8; Revelation 21:1-7; Matthew 25:31-46

Readings for January 5: Jeremiah 31:7-14; Psalm 147:12-20; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1:1-18

Readings for January 6: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-14; Ephesians 3:1-2; Matthew 2:1-12

Thank You For Serving


More Fun Pictures Since Our Last News Letter


A Message From Kahu: December 5th, 2024

Pastor Alan on sebatical

A Message From Our Kahu

“Celebrating the Light”

2024 so far has been a year of conflict. Nations are at war. Our own nation experienced a hostile presidential campaign. Family members can barely speak to one another from different political parties and ideologies. On top of all that, some of us have experienced immense disappointment, loss, grief and even trauma.

And yet, the light shines! The stars still shine at night and the closest one, our sun, shines during the day. We may not like the politics of our day and are anxious over the politics to come, but there are always people letting their light shine through truth telling, advocating for justice, and acting with kindness and compassion.

As we enter into the season of Advent, we are especially mindful of the light. In fact, it’s a time to celebrate the light. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, he entered a world of conflict. There were people constantly trying to stomp out the light. Herod the Great was in power and he stopped at nothing to retain his power for himself and his family. Yet, as hard as he tried, he simply could not extinguish the light of God’s love.

Each of us has that very same light within us, for God’s Spirit lives in our hearts. In fact, we are the light of Christ! During this days leading up to Christmas, may we allow the light to shine brightly. May it touch every dark corner within us and around us. Let us keep sharing the light of God’s love

Aloha Nui Loa!


Church News: November 6th, 2024

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service

Koloa Union Pastor Kahu Alan Akana

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service

You can click the button below to watch a video of a recent worship service:

Watch the most recent worship service

Watch ALL of Our Worship Services

Please Share!

Our online worship services are a great way to introduce people to Koloa Union Church…and provide inspiration and hope to friends and family!

Feel free to forward this email or send the YouTube link to anyone whom you think would enjoy watching our online worship service.

Share our worship service with even more people! You can also put the link of any video of our worship services directly onto your Facebook page and thereby introducing every one of your Facebook friends to our worship services and our church!

Church Office Closed 

The Church Office will be closed on the following dates: 

November 11th Veterans Day

November 28th Thanksgiving Day

Stewardship Committee

Support Maui Koloa Union Church

Thank you to everyone who has given generously to our general fund this year! We have paid our mission commitments, salaries, insurance, utility and maintenance bills, costs for our website, newsletter, some large unexpected expenses and so much more! Most importantly, we have provided a welcoming space and inspirational worship services for everyone who has visited us, and we have carried out our mission and service to the community! Thank you also to everyone who submitted a commitment card for 2025, as that is such a huge help for us as we begin the process of creating next year’s budget during the next couple of weeks.

As the year winds down, here are 3 requests for you to consider:

  1. Please fulfill your annual commitment/pledge by the end of December or earlier if possible.
  2. Please consider an extra “over and above” Christmas gift to the church to assure that we end the year in the black.
  3. Please send us your commitment card for 2025 by November 10 if you haven’t already done so.
  4. Please consider leaving a portion of your estate (a dollar amount or a percentage) to Kōloa Union Church when you update your will or trust. You can designate your gift to a favorite area of ministry or give an undesignated gift for the Church Council to decide as important needs and ministries arise.
Support Maui Koloa Union Church

Stop The Bleed CATs for Ukraine

Stop Covid Sign

Holiday Community Outreach

Stop Covid Sign

Holiday Community Outreach

Holiday Donations

Please bring your spare change, cash or checks to feed the Outreach Jar that supports our holiday community outreach.

Thanksgiving Dinner Boxes

We will again feed hungry families on the south shore. You can sign up to bring specific food items to pack in our Thanksgiving boxes or make a cash/check donation. All food items will need to be delivered to the church by Wednesday, November 20th. Sign up at church by November 17: that’s just one week from this Sunday!

Christmas Stockings. We will deliver Christmas stockings filled with gift cards and goodies to families who are struggling financially. Funds for the Christmas Stockings will be collected through December 15th.

Thanks to Becky Sakimae, Amber Strong and our church youth who will shop, pack and deliver the items!

Kitchen Update

Stop Covid Sign

Kitchen Update

A Modern, Stainless Steel, Fully-Equipped Kitchen

With Serving Windows Into Moore Hall and the Patio!

Progress Continues!

The new walls are up—adding extra floorspace! Plumbing and electrical wiring to the kitchen are complete! The concrete floor has been poured! In the coming weeks, the workers will complete the finishing work, install the new windows, cabinets, fans and lights, counters and appliances! We should be able to use the kitchen in about a month!

Due to construction material and kitchen appliances, we will be keeping Moore Hall closed until it is safe to enter. As an active construction zone, please be extra cautious when walking on the property, as there are a handful of tripping hazards and some broken glass on the south side of Moore Hall. Please keep an extra eye on the keiki!

Any additional funds that we raise for this project will be used to stock the kitchen once it is completed. You may also donate specific items that we identify as necessary to have a fully functional kitchen.

THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to the kitchen fund!

Mahalo nui loa!

Stop Covid Sign

Sanctuary Windo Repair

Stop Covid Sign

Alan Akana Gallery

Youth Gathering Event Koloa Union Church

We Are Open for Business!

2nd Sundays & By Appointment Drop by and visit!

See what’s new! See what’s coming! After closing temporarily in December, 2023, as Kahu prepared for and enjoyed his sabbatical in Europe, the gallery is now open most days by appointment and will be open on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 2 to 5 p.m. beginning in August.

Re-Opening Reception Sunday, August 11 2 – 5 p.m.

“Overwhelmed with Wonder” Sabbatical Reflections Alan Akana Gallery will host a reception when Kahu will share about his sabbatical at 3 p.m. He will also play a slide show and sign photo books, Overwhelmed with Wonder, from his sabbatical. The slide show and book contain some of his favorite photos from his trip, and the book contains personal reflections about “wonder.”

Alan Akana Gallery Is Located In The Smith Memorial Parsonage 3281 Waikomo Road Koloa, HI 96756 Appointments may be made: By phone: 808-855-8806 By email: [email protected] Funds from sales at the gallery support the care and maintenance of the Smith Memorial Parsonage.

Visit Gallery

Youth News

Youth Group Events Koloa Kauai Church
Youth Group Events Koloa Kauai Church
Youth Group Events Koloa Kauai Church
Youth Group Events Koloa Kauai Church

Alan Akana Gallery

Youth Gathering Event Koloa Union Church

We Are Open for Business!


Black Friday & Saturday Sale
Friday, November 29
Saturday, November 30
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Refreshments and free gifts for all visitors!

Extensive price reductions on many items!

Sunday Open Houses
December 1, 8 & 15
Noon to 6 p.m.

As always, also open by appointment

Alan Akana Gallery Is Located In The Smith Memorial Parsonage 3281 Waikomo Road Koloa, HI 96756 Appointments may be made: By phone: 808-855-8806 By email: [email protected] Funds from sales at the gallery support the care and maintenance of the Smith Memorial Parsonage.

Visit Gallery

Prayers & Squares

Kauai Quilting Class Prayer Meeting Koloa

Lectio Divina


Lectionary Readings


Each week, Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one reading each Sunday.

Readings for November 10: Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17; Psalm 127; 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146; Hebrew 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-22

Readings for November 17: 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16; Hebrew 10:11-25; Mark 13:1-8

Readings for November 24: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 132:1-18; Daniel 7:9-14; Psalm 93; Revelations 1:4-8; John 18:22-27

Readings for December 1: Jeremiah 33:14-16; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36

Thank You For Serving


More Fun Pictures Since Our Last News Letter


A Message From Kahu: November 6th, 2024

Pastor Alan on sebatical

A Message From Our Kahu

“Our Vision”

Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the draft of our Vision! Most of our leaders attended an all-day retreat in September. A couple dozen people (including some of our teenagers) wrote a phrase on our Vision Board (above). Four volunteers spoke in church in October about their dreams for the church. A handful of people have spoken directly to me. It all began with the question: “What do you believe God is leading us to be and do during the next 3 years?” Out of that question came the draft vision that is printed below.

As promised, we are including it in this NewsletterSince this document will guide our ministry, our decisions, our budgets through 2027, please take a careful look and offer any feedback you may have during the next few weeks. You can do this by talking directly to me or anyone on the Church Council. In December, the Church Council will take another look at the draft and then present it to the Congregation at our Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26. In January and February, we will create and expand teams / committees in order to fulfill each part of our vision; so start thinking about an area where you would like to devote some time.

Remember: this is our vision, your voice matters, and your involvement is important!

Aloha Nui Loa!



Vision Statement



Kōloa Union Church is known throughout the island for our

mission and vision, especially our aloha for people of all backgrounds

and our commitment to stand alongside those on the margins of society,

cooperating with other churches and not-for-profit organizations on the island.

A social media task force has put together a plan to assure that these things

are clearly visible before the congregation and throughout the community.

A social media expert keeps our vision and activities in the spotlight.

Our sanctuary is filled on Sundays,

overflowing into Moore Hall and the patio.

We have a thriving music and performing arts ministry.

Vocalists, instrumentalists and ensembles of all ages perform

traditional, contemporary and Hawaiian music in worship services.

Dancers and other performing artists regularly participate as well.

We also have programs throughout the year where we

invite people on the island to enjoy the talent of

our congregation and our friends.

We have a clear plan in place to build an attractive,

useful, safe and accessible space to the west of the kitchen.

A large covering with lighting and fans allows people to comfortably

eat, play, socialize, and hear what’s happening in the sanctuary.

The area is beautifully landscaped with a nice “outdoor” feel.

There is storage for tables, chairs, and other items.

There is a nice area where children safely play.

We have a thriving educational ministry for all ages.

Our Christian Education Director and committee assure that we

are meeting the educational and spiritual needs of our congregation,

and inviting members of the community to enjoy this ministry.

There is a notable increase in the number of children and

teenagers participating in opportunities for spiritual

and educational growth in a positive and

healthy social environment.

Our stewardship of time, talent and treasures has increased

so that our members and friends volunteer in such meaningful ways that

we have greatly expanded our ministries and fully support them financially.

We do not need draw from our reserve funds to cover our budgeted expenses. 

We have a plan in place to build one or more additional dwelling units on

the property located to the east of the Smith Memorial Parsonage—

in order to provide income for the church and assist

with the housing shortage on the island.