Church News: June 2nd, 2022
A Message from Our Kahu
Prayers & Squares

Youth Event

Friday, May 13, 6 – 8 P.M.
Kauai Pride Parade & Festival

Saturday, June 4 Parade: 9-10 a.m.
Festival: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Koloa Union Church will once again participate in the Kauai Pride Parade and then have a table set up afterwards during the festival. Members and friends of the church are invited to walk in the parade as we let the community know that our church welcomes everyone!
If you can participate in the parade:
Arrive at the Vidinha Stadium parking lot by 8:15 a.m.
Park on the north end of the parking lot (closest to the soccer field & KPD);
then meet the rest of us on the south end of the parking lot (closer to Rice St).
You may leave your vehicle at the parking lot or at the civic center
parking lot for the remainder of the parade and festival.
Parade Staging
Koloa Union Church will be entry #11:
2nd entry in the 3rd row: Yellow (Y).
We need to be ready to line up, all ready to go, at 8:40 a.m.
We will start moving into position at 8:50 a.m.
The parade will begin at 9:00 a.m.
and will end at the Historic County Building.
Preparing for Weather
We will likely be in the sun most of the time,
so consider wearing sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat.
Feel free to bring an umbrella.
Bottles of water will be provided.
Covid-19 Safety
Since the parade is outdoors, there is no need to wear a face mask.
However, the organizers suggest that all participants bring masks
in case of emergency or if you will be near others after the parade.
Of course, you are always welcome to wear a mask at any time.
There will be restrooms at the beginning and end of the parade route.
Additional Participants
Please invite friends and family member to join us in the parade.
They can show up even at the last minute.
The more, the merrier!
Festival after the Parade
On the Lawn in front of the Historic County Building
There will be 4 hours of food, music and entertainment!
Our church will also have a table!
If you signed up to sit at the table, we want to have
2 volunteers at all times to hang out, hand out stickers,
information about Koloa Union Church, answer questions, etc.
If you haven’t signed up to sit at the table,
feel free to drop by and say hello!
Just look for our church table under the big tent.
Petecost Sunday

Join us on Sunday, June 5, 2022 for
Strengthen The Church

Special Mission Offering
“All Together”
Sunday, June 5
Youth Director Update

Search Committee Update
The Youth Director Search Committee met again this week and plans to present a candidate for the position to the Church Council at their June meeting.
Hookipa Wellness Class

A Free Exercise/Stretching Class for Seniors
Led by RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos
Mahalo to Worship Participants
Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible
Fun Pictures Since Our Last Weekly News
Krayson on graduation night at Kauai High with his very proud Grandma!!! All the rain did not dampen their smiles!!
Congratulations to Michael! Recently voted VP of the Kauai Association UCC!!!! Karen Johnson assisting the deacons by greeting Gayle by offering her a Sunday bulletin
Winner! Winner! Poke dinner! Taylor, Van, Koloa Landing Executive Chef Gavin Onishi and Kaulana Baptiste of Kiawe Roots!! Kauai Poke’s Banh Mi Poke won 2nd place!!!
Memorial Day

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