Church News: June 2nd, 2022

A Message from Our Kahu

It has been an amazing three weeks on the East Coast! The highlight was the wedding of my son Palani to Isobel Mifsud in New York City! The wedding was beautiful, and it was so nice to gather with family and friends, and finally meet Isobel’s parents and sister who flew over from England! From there I took a train to Philadelphia to see the sites for a couple of days and then onto the D.C. area for an entire week. I then drove in a rental car to southern Virginia to see more historic sites and also visit the Norfolk Botanical Garden where they will feature my art when they celebrate the opening of a state of the art conservatory that will feature tropical plants and trees! On my final day, I took a leisurely drive through Maryland and Delaware to catch my flight home from New York.
Except for NYC, it was my first time to visit these places. There was a lot of history to take in from all the museums, monuments, statues, battlefields, historic homes, and so much more. I look forward to sharing some of my thoughts on Sunday mornings during the coming weeks, especially from my time in Philadelphia and D.C. One thought in particular that stands out to me is that there are many ways to be a democracy and even more ways to structure a government—and some of those ways are certainly better than others.
In the meantime, I look forward to celebrating Pentecost on Sunday as we consider what it means to be filled with Spirit. Just as there are many ways to understand democracy and government, there are also many ways to understand God’s Spirit and be the Church—and some of those ways are better than others!
Let us discover together how we can be filled with the Spirit and honor the life and teachings of Jesus!
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana

Prayers & Squares

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, nearly 6 million people have fled Ukraine, mostly women and children. Even more have been displaced within Ukraine. Our church responded by giving to the United Church of Christ’s One Great Hour of Sharing and to Hands on Global, the organization which Cathy Evans worked with when she volunteered on the Ukraine border this spring.
In addition, Prayers & Squares volunteers created a beautiful quilt in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and asked members and friends to make a donation to “Hands on Global,” which provides critical medical assistance in Ukraine and across its border. We then had a drawing to the lucky winner of the quilt.
We raised an impressive $3,170!
Thank you to everyone from near and far for your support!
Congratulations to Chris and Michelle Molina,
whose names were drawn!
Here Is an Update from Lina
A “Hands on Global” Team Member
Update from Chernivtsi
Small steps can make a huge difference for a few people. Many weeks into my work in Ukraine with my tiny team, I see how big an impact we have on individual persons we meet. Not everyone of course, but for someone it can be life changing. Everyday we see a lot of children with viral infections and runny noses. We give them cough syrup, vitamins and listen to their mothers’ worries. They have maybe spent 40 days in a bomb shelter, and are afraid the kids are damaged for life because of the experiences. We see a lot of people with high blood pressure, that is also stressed because of the situation, and didn’t take their medication for a long time. We meet grandmothers with heart problems, crying and telling us they wish they stayed at home in Mariupol and died there. We meet disabled children and adults, and people with life- threatening diseases that were ready for treatment when the war started. We try our best to arrange and provide both medication and treatment here or abroad, and offer to help in the process.
Thank you for all your support and donations! We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone!
May 12 at 11:28 AM
Let us remember to pray for the people of Ukraine
and all those who receive our quilts…
And remember…
It’s not about the quilts; it’s about the prayers!

Youth Event

You Event Koloa Union Church Poipu Youth Group

Friday, May 13, 6 – 8 P.M.

Calling ALL youth! Middle & high school students (including recent graduates from elementary school) are invited to our next youth group activity on Friday, June 10, in Moore Hall at Koloa Union Church.
Dinner is included!
Friends are welcome!

Kauai Pride Parade & Festival

Kauai Pride Parade Festival

Saturday, June 4 Parade: 9-10 a.m.
Festival: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Koloa Union Church will once again participate in the Kauai Pride Parade and then have a table set up afterwards during the festival. Members and friends of the church are invited to walk in the parade as we let the community know that our church welcomes everyone!

If you can participate in the parade:

Arrive at the Vidinha Stadium parking lot by 8:15 a.m.
Park on the north end of the parking lot (closest to the soccer field & KPD);
then meet the rest of us on the south end of the parking lot (closer to Rice St).
You may leave your vehicle at the parking lot or at the civic center
parking lot for the remainder of the parade and festival.

Parade Staging
Koloa Union Church will be entry #11:
2nd entry in the 3rd row: Yellow (Y).

We need to be ready to line up, all ready to go, at 8:40 a.m.

We will start moving into position at 8:50 a.m.

The parade will begin at 9:00 a.m.
and will end at the Historic County Building.

Preparing for Weather
We will likely be in the sun most of the time,
so consider wearing sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat.
Feel free to bring an umbrella.
Bottles of water will be provided.

Covid-19 Safety
Since the parade is outdoors, there is no need to wear a face mask.
However, the organizers suggest that all participants bring masks
in case of emergency or if you will be near others after the parade.
Of course, you are always welcome to wear a mask at any time.

There will be restrooms at the beginning and end of the parade route.

Additional Participants
Please invite friends and family member to join us in the parade.
They can show up even at the last minute.
The more, the merrier!

Festival after the Parade
On the Lawn in front of the Historic County Building

There will be 4 hours of food, music and entertainment!
Our church will also have a table!

If you signed up to sit at the table, we want to have
2 volunteers at all times to hang out, hand out stickers,
information about Koloa Union Church, answer questions, etc.

If you haven’t signed up to sit at the table,
feel free to drop by and say hello!

Just look for our church table under the big tent.

Petecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday Koloa Union Church

Join us on Sunday, June 5, 2022 for

It is also Communion Sunday!
The color of Pentecost is RED.

Strengthen The Church

Stop Covid Sign


Special Mission Offering

“All Together”

Sunday, June 5

Each year on Pentecost, we join other United Church of Christ congregations in collecting the “Strengthen the Church” special offering which supports the expansion of ministry and growth of the local UCC congregations, helps create a just world for all by investing in new ministries. Your generous gifts will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches, develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults.
Special offering envelopes will be available in the bulletins on Sunday morning. You may also give online or send a check to the church office. Be sure to write “Strengthen the Church” or “STC” on the online comment box or on the note section of your check.
Thank you for your generosity!

Youth Director Update

Search Committee Update

The Youth Director Search Committee met again this week and plans to present a candidate for the position to the Church Council at their June meeting.

Hookipa Wellness Class

Rev Dr Walt Weiss Koloa Union Church

A Free Exercise/Stretching Class for Seniors

Led by RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos

Hookipa Wellness Class
A Free Exercise/Stretching Class for Seniors
Led by RoseTatiana Warken Ceballo
Sundays 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
(Usually not the 3rd Sunday of the month)
Please register with RoseTatiana before attending:
call or text (808)652-8985 or email at
Mahalo nui loa to RoseTatiana for your
ongoing commitment to the health
of our kupuna!!!

Mahalo to Worship Participants

Thank you, Rev. Dr. Peggy Price, for filling our pulpit with her powerful message: “The Whole of Creation”
Thank you, Rev. Caroline Miura, for your always energetic and stimulating sermons. This week: “Love Lights the Way.” Today’s takeaway: “Always aspire to inspire before we expire!”
Thank you, Rev. Dr. Walt Weiss, for filling our pulpit with your thought-provoking sermon: “United in Love.”
Mahalo nui loa…
Steve Sparks and Becky Sakimae, Doug Duvauchelle, Chris and Michelle Molina for providing beautiful and inspiring music for our worship service!
RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos for the beautiful hula.
Michael Horning for welcoming everyone
to Sunday service by blowing the pu shell!
Thank you, Chuck and Joey Rebb for the beautiful tropical flowers!

Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible

Each weekChristians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one reading each Sunday.
Readings for May 29: Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 97; Revelation 22:12-21; John 17:20-26
Readings for June 5: Acts 2:1-21; Genesis 11:1-9; Psalm 104:24-36; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-27.
Readings for June 12: Proverbs 8:1-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15.
Readings for June 19: 1 Kings 19:1-16; Psalm 42 and 43; Isaiah 65:1-9; Psalm 22:19-28; Galatians 3:23-29; Luke 8:26-39.

Fun Pictures Since Our Last Weekly News

Memorial Day

The church office will be closed
The church office will be closed Thursday, June 9, in commemoration of Kamehameha Day! Kahu will not be available in the church office June 15-16, as he will be attending Aha Paeaina (Hawaii Conference Annual Gathering)
The next Weekly News will be June 22.

Church News: May 11th, 2022

A Message from Our Kahu

easter eggs
“But the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.”
(John 21:4)


On Easter morning, Mary Magdalene did not recognize Jesus, who was standing there in her midst and talking to her. Seven of the male disciples did not recognize Jesus when he stood on the lakeshore and had a conversation with them. Throughout history, church leaders have failed to recognize Jesus as he appeared over time. And today there are times when we too do not recognize Jesus as he shows up in our midst. One reason is that Jesus shows up in so many different ways, and we all have our preferred ways. I’m guessing most of us also can think of ways that we would rather Jesus not show up—for most instances of divine presence and direction tend to be inconvenient, to say the least, and possibly even disorienting or causing us to live our lives in a completely different way! One thing I am pretty confident about is that Jesus always shows up in love: love for me and love for you, love for family and friends, love for strangers and enemies, love for those who make important policy decisions and those on the margins of society. My prayer for you is that you would be open to any way that Jesus shows up in your life and in the world so that you will both recognize Jesus and joyfully serve him!

Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana

Prayers & Squares

Two beautiful quilts were blessed in church on May 1!
Red is for Kana Smythe and blue is for Vicky Medeiros
Please keep Kana and Vicky in your prayers!

A Quilt For Ukraine

Support Ukrainian Refugees By Getting “LUCKY DRAWING” Tickets!

Thanks to everyone who supported disaster, refugee, immigration and development ministries throughout the world by donating to One Great Hour of Sharing!

Thank you for your generosity!

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, nearly 6 million people have fled Ukraine, mostly women and children. Even more have been displaced within Ukraine. Hands On Global is currently on the Ukrainian border providing medical support to refugees. Cathy Evans has just returned from there! All proceeds from the quilt and any additional donations will go directly to Hands On Global to support their efforts to provide medical assistance to refugees.

A ticket will be drawn on Sunday, May 22, in church. We are requesting donations of $5 per ticket. You don’t need to be present to win.

You can get your tickets the following ways:

• On Sunday mornings
• At church during office hours
• On our website
• Mailing a check to our P.O. box

When getting tickets online or by check, write in the “Comment” section “Ukraine Quilt”.

You may also make a straight donation to Hands on Global by writing in the “Comment” section “Ukraine Donation” (for those who don’t want tickets for the quilt).

DEADLINE for getting tickets at church: Before the worship service on May 22

DEADLINE for getting tickets online or by check: 8 a.m. (HST) on May 19

Call Amber at 907.227.9045 or Penny in the Church office if you have any questions or need assistance.

Cathy Evans returned two weeks ago from the Ukraine/Romania border, working the front lines assisting refugees. She shared some of her experiences with us in church.

Youth Event

You Event Koloa Union Church Poipu Youth Group

Friday, May 13, 6 – 8 P.M.

Calling ALL youth (middle & high school) to our next youth group activity on Friday, May 13, in Moore Hall at Koloa Union Church. We will work on our calendar for the year and begin scheduling future activities; also fundraising planning and discuss the Aha Paeaina Youth Event in Honolulu June 16 – 18, 2022. As always, we will have FUN!

Friends are welcome!

Kauai Pride Parade & Festival

Kauai Pride Parade Festival

Saturday, June 4 Parade: 9-10 a.m.
Festival: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Koloa Union Church will once again participate in the Kauai Pride Parade and then have a table set up afterwards during the festival. Members and friends of the church are invited to walk in the parade as we let the community know that our church welcomes everyone!

More information will be coming in late May and early June.

Be sure to check the next edition of The Weekly News and listen for announcements on Sunday mornings.

In the meantime, please sign up on Sundays or contact Penny at the church office by Sunday, May 29, for the following:

—Walk in the parade
—Ride in the parade (limited availability)
—Set up KUC’s table at the festival before 10:00 a.m.
—Sit at the table in 1-hour shifts from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m

Petecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday Koloa Union Church

Join us on Sunday, June 5, 2022 for

It is also Communion Sunday!
The color of Pentecost is RED.

Strengthen The Church

Stop Covid Sign


“All Together”

Sunday, June 5

Each year on Pentecost, we join other United Church of Christ congregations in collecting the “Strengthen the Church” special offering…. Thank you for your generosity!

Memebership Gathering

Stop Covid Sign

Sunday, June 5 Noon – 2:00 p.m.

Kahu and our Deacons will spend a couple of hours with those who wish to learn more about our church and what is involved in membership. You will learn about our history, how we function as a congregation, our connection to the wider Church, the benefits and responsibilities of membership, and more. It will also be a time for participants to ask questions.

Although there is no expectation for participants to join the church, those who wish to do so will be able to join the church on a future designated Sunday during the worship service. There will be opportunities on other Sundays as well.

You are invited to bring a sack lunch (or a snack) and a drink, as we will eat together on the patio before we meet.

Please RSVP to Penny Osuga in the church office by May 29.

Youth Director Update

Search Committee Update

The Youth Director Search Committee met last week and will begin interviewing candidates in early June. Please keep the committee in your prayers as they seek to find the best Youth Director to present to the Church Council by the end of June.

Please click the link “Position Description” for more information and the link “Employment Application” to apply; and if you know anyone whom you would like to see in this position, be sure to pass along this information!

Hookipa Wellness Class

Rev Dr Walt Weiss Koloa Union Church

A Free Exercise/Stretching Class for Seniors

Led by RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos

Sundays 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. (Usually not the 3rd Sunday of the month)

Please register with RoseTatiana before attending: call or text (808)652-8985 or email at [email protected]

Mahalo nui loa to RoseTatiana for your ongoing commitment to the health of our kupuna!!!

Mahalo to Worship Participants

Doug Duvauchelle and Debbie Gunning for providing our beautiful and inspiring music for our worship service!

RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos for the beautiful hula.

We always look forward to having our youth serve as Sunday lay readers. Thank you, Krayson Dao.

Michael Horning for welcoming everyone to Sunday service by blowing the pu shell!

Thank you, Chuck and Joey Rebb for the beautiful tropical flowers!


Krayson Dao

Kauai High School Class of 2022

We honored Krayson in church on May 8!

Congratulations to Krayson, Parents Taylor & Van Sakimae, Grandparents Bruce & Becky Sakimae!

Thanks to Krayson for being one of our faithful youth lay readers!

Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible

Each week, Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one reading each Sunday.

Readings for May 8 are Acts 9:36-43; Psalm 23; Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:22-30.

Readings for May 15 are Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35.

Fun Pictures Since Our Last Weekly News

Memorial Day

The church office will be closed
Monday, May 30, in commemoration of Memorial Day!

A Message From Kahu: May 11th, 2022

Picture of a lamb in a tall grass looking at the camera

Recognizing Jesus

 “But the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.”
(John 21:4)


On Easter morning, Mary Magdalene did not recognize Jesus, who was standing there in her midst and talking to her. Seven of the male disciples did not recognize Jesus when he stood on the lakeshore and had a conversation with them. Throughout history, church leaders have failed to recognize Jesus as he appeared over time. And today there are times when we too do not recognize Jesus as he shows up in our midst. One reason is because Jesus shows up in so many different ways, and we all have our preferred ways. I’m guessing most of us also can think of ways that we would rather Jesus not show up—for most instances of divine presence and direction tend to be inconvenient, to say the least, and possibly even disorienting or causing us to live our lives in a completely different way!

One thing I am pretty confident about is that Jesus always shows up in love: love for me and love for you, love for family and friends, love for strangers and enemies, love for those who make important policy decisions and those on the margins of society. My prayer for you is that you would be open for any way that Jesus shows up in your life and in the world, so that you will both recognize Jesus and joyfully serve him!

Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana

Church News: April 28th, 2022

A Message from Our Kahu

easter eggs

You may have heard that I have been rather sick the past couple of weeks. On Wednesday evening before Easter, my throat was sore and I was rather tired. I figured I was pushing myself a bit too hard and my allergies were kicking in but, just to be safe, I took a Covid test…and it came out positive. I thought it might be a “false positive” as I wasn’t feeling that bad. Since I was planning on serving communion at our Maundy Thursday service the next day, I decided to test again in the morning—but there was no need. When I woke up I felt like I had come down with the worst flu of my life. For a week and a half, I felt sick and had very little energy.

When I went to bed that Wednesday night, I was all ready for Maundy Thursday, looking forward to hanging out with the kids as they colored Easter eggs on Good Friday, and my message for Easter morning was nearly complete. I was looking forward to it all! Once I started to feel a bit better, one of my first thoughts was, “I have missed Easter!” However, as I looked at the church calendar and continued preparing worship services for the upcoming weeks, I was reminded that Easter is a season! Yes, I missed the first day: Easter Sunday. As I spent most of the next week lying in bed and on my couch, I missed some more days. However, I am now “up and about” and looking forward to celebrating the rest of the Easter Season with more energy!

As I have been reading over the Scriptures for the upcoming weeks, I am reminded that, throughout the Gospels, Jesus kept showing up to his disciples. Sometimes they recognized him; sometimes they did not. Sometimes they seem to understand who he was; sometimes they did not. Sometimes the path seemed clear; sometimes it did not. That continued to be the case even after the resurrection; and it continues to be the case today. However, now as then, Jesus keeps showing up. Sometimes he does so in ways we expect; sometimes in unpredictable and surprising ways. Regardless of how the Risen Christ appears, and whether or not we recognize him, I am grateful that he keeps showing up, in fact, that he never leaves us—not even in our sickness, or when we face the death of loved ones, or when we confront our own mortality.

May we keep our eyes and our hearts open so that however Jesus shows up, we will say the words of the disciple whom Jesus loved, “It is the Lord!”

Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana

Prayers & Squares

Tuesday, May 3, 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Prayers and Squares is a ministry promoting prayer by creating beautiful hand-tied quilts and offering them to people in crisis or those whom we wish to offer a special aloha. A prayer is said with each know that is tied in the quilt. When recipients put the quilts it over themselves, they are covering themselves with our prayers. Our motto: “It’s not about the quilt; it’s all about the prayers.”
To request a quilt for church members or friends in crisis, call Debbie Gunning at 808-652-7899. No experience in quilting or sewing is necessary. There are jobs for everyone to help in the making of the quilts…and everyone is invited to pray!

One Great Hour of Sharing


Thanks to everyone who supported disaster, refugee, immigration and development ministries throughout the world by donating to One Great Hour of Sharing!

Thank you for your generosity!

Share Aloha

Stop Covid Sign

Thanks to everyone who supported the foster kids of Kauai by donating to Hale Opio during Lent! Your generous donations are appreciated!

Thank you for your generosity!

Hookipa Wellness Class

A Free Exercise/Stretching Class for Seniors

Led by RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos

The next class will be on May 1. Sundays 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Please register with RoseTatiana before attending: call or text (808)652-8985 or email at [email protected]

Membership Gathering

Easter Sunday Service Koloa Poipu Church

Sunday, June 5 Noon – 2:00 p.m.

Kahu and our Deacons will spend a couple hours with those who wish to learn more about our church and what is involved in membership. You will learn about our history, how we function as a congregation, our connection to the wider Church, benefits and responsibilities of membership, and more. It will also be a time for participants to ask questions.

Although there is no expectation for participants to join the church, those who wish to do so will be able to join the church on Pentecost, Sunday, June 5, during the worship service. There will be opportunities on other Sundays as well.

You are invited to bring a sack lunch (or a snack) and a drink, as we will eat together on the patio before we meet.

Please RSVP to Penny Osuga in the church office by May 29.

A Note From CAPS

Stop Covid Sign

A Note From CAPS

The Committee for the Assurance of Pandemic Safety (CAPS) wishes you a safe and healthy Easter Season!

Please remember that the new variant is still spreading here on Kauai as it is in many parts of the country. Even people who are vaccinated, boosted, and extra-careful, can still contract the virus and get very sick.

Even though several of our members, including our Kahu, have contracted the virus, we are committed to keeping everyone safe when they are at church, and so our Covid guidelines will stay in place for now.

Let us continue to keep ourselves and our loved ones as safe and healthy as possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact any member of CAPS if you have questions, concerns, or need clarification on any matters regarding pandemic safety. CAPS is Kahu Akana, Michael Horning, Penny Osuga, and Penny Jessup.

Thank you for doing your part to keep our church and our island safe!

Youth Director Update

The Search Committee has begun receiving resumes and applications for the new position of Youth Director. Our goal is to choose someone in June and have the position filled by July 1.

Visit our Staff Position page and please click the link “Position Description” for more information and the link “Employment Application” to apply; and if you know anyone whom you would like to see in this position, be sure to pass along this information!

Kauai Pride Parade & Festival

Kauai Pride Parade Festival

Saturday, June 4 Parade: 9-10 a.m.
Festival: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Koloa Union Church will once again participate in the Kauai Pride Parade and then have a table set up afterward during the festival. Members and friends of the church are invited to walk in the parade as we let the community know that our church welcomes everyone!

A signup sheet will be available on Sunday mornings. Please let us know if you plan to walk with us, can help with the table setup and decoration, or volunteer for a time at the table during the festival.

More information will be coming in May.
In the meantime, save the date on your calendar!

Maundy Service

Rev Dr Walt Weiss Koloa Union Church

Rev. Dr. Walt Weiss conducted our Maundy Thursday service at the very last minute when we contacted him on that day. We gathered, heard the Scriptures read from the Gospel of John, and celebrated Holy Communion on the night we honor Jesus’ last supper with his disciples.

You may watch the service by clicking the link below:

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Services

Our online worship services are a great way to introduce people to Koloa Union Church…and provide inspiration and hope to friends and family!

Feel free to forward this email or send the YouTube link to anyone whom you think would enjoy watching our online worship service.

Share our worship service with even more people! You can also put the link of any video of our worship services directly onto your Facebook page and thereby introducing every one of your Facebook friends to our worship services and our church!

Mahalo to Worship Participants

Mahalo nui loa to. . . Steve Sparks, Doug Duvauchelle, Rosemary Smythe, Debbie Gunning, Becky Sakimae, Chris and Michelle Molina, and our amazing Bell Choir for providing our beautiful and inspiring music for our worship service!

RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos for the beautiful hula.

Evan Strong and Michael for welcoming everyone to Sunday service by blowing the pu shell!

Thank you, Chuck and Joey Rebb for the beautiful tropical flowers!

Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible

Each week, Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one reading each Sunday.

April 24 are Acts 5:27-32; Psalm 118:14-29; Psalm 150; Revelation 1:4-8; John 20:19-31.
May 1 are Acts 9:1-20; Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19.

Fun Pictures Since Our Last Weekly News

May Day

Join us for worship this Sunday on Lei Day! It is also Communion Sunday!

A Message From Kahu: April 27th, 2022

easter eggs

The Season of Easter

“That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” 
(John 21:7)


You may have heard that I have been rather sick the past couple of weeks. On Wednesday evening before Easter, my throat was sore and I was rather tired. I figured I was pushing myself a bit too hard and my allergies were kicking in but, just to be safe, I took a Covid test…and it came out positive. I thought it might be a “false positive” as I wasn’t feeling that bad. Since I was planning on serving communion at our Maundy Thursday service the next day, I decided to test again in the morning—but there was no need. When I woke up I felt like I had come down with the worst flu of my life. For a week and a half, I felt sick and had very little energy.

When I went to bed that Wednesday night, I was all ready for Maundy Thursday, looking forward to hanging out with the kids as they colored Easter eggs on Good Friday, and my message for Easter morning was nearly complete. I was looking forward to it all! Once I started to feel a bit better, one of my first thoughts was, “I have missed Easter!” However, as I looked at the church calendar and continued preparing worship services for the upcoming weeks, I was reminded that Easter is a season! Yes, I missed the first day: Easter Sunday. As I spent most of the next week lying in bed and on my couch, I missed some more days. However, I am now “up and about” and looking forward to celebrating the rest of the Easter Season with more energy!

As I have been reading over the Scriptures for the upcoming weeks, I am reminded that, throughout the Gospels, Jesus kept showing up to his disciples. Sometimes they recognized him; sometimes they did not. Sometimes they seem to understand who he was; sometimes they did not. Sometimes the path seemed clear; sometimes it did not. That continued to be the case even after the resurrection; and it continues to be the case today. However, now as then, Jesus keeps showing up. Sometimes he does so in ways we expect; sometimes in unpredictable and surprising ways. Regardless of how the Risen Christ appears, and whether or not we recognize him, I am grateful that he keeps showing up, in fact, that he never leaves us—not even in our sickness, or when we face the death of loved ones, or when we confront our own mortality.

May we keep our eyes and our hearts open so that however Jesus shows up, we will say the words of the disciple whom Jesus loved, “It is the Lord!”

Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana