A Message from Kahu Alan Akana

Kōloa Sugar Mill
Koloa Plantation Days!
This is a busy week for our town and our church!
On Sunday, I shared with the congregation about the rich history our church has played in our community since 1835. I focused on the Smith-Waterhouse Family, beginning with Dr. James and Melicent Smith, who arrived in Koloa in 1842 and lived on this island until they died. I shared the story of how Dr. Smith single-handedly traveled all of Kauai and Niihau in order to vaccinate the people from smallpox. When that disease came to Hawaii in 1853, only person died on these two islands, although thousands died of smallpox throughout the Hawaiian Kingdom. People have been here all along, following the example of Jesus in helping to make life fuller and richer for others: physically, spiritually and socially. Yet, there is still a lot we can do. I also talked about the importance of following another example of Jesus: getting proper rest and rejuvenation. In light of this, I challenged the congregation to consider three questions this week:
- How can you live a fuller and richer life?
- How can you help others to do the same?
- What will you do to find rest and new energy?
We had nearly 70 people attend Monday’s “lecture, walk and tour” about the missionaries of Koloa…and received lots of positive feedback from attendees. One of those attendees wrote the music to one of the songs in our Hawaiian hymnal, Na Himeni. (We are going to sing that song on Sunday!) Thanks to all of the church members and friends who helped to make that event such a great success!
I’m looking forward to our church being in the parade on Saturday (the 25th). As a reminder, come to the church at 8 a.m. and enjoy coffee and treats; we have to line up for the parade at 8:45 (and Poipu Road will be closed to traffic at 9:00!). Those who would like to help decorate our “float” can come to the parsonage on Friday at 3.
As always, I look forward to seeing everyone in church on Sunday as well! I trust that your life this week is full and rich!
Aloha nui!
Kahu Alan Akana
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