by admin | Apr 8, 2015 | News

“Po’ipu Plumeria” (Original Watercolor)
Kahu Akana has two original watercolors which are on display during the month of April at the Kaua’i Society of Artists Gallery at Kukui Grove Shopping Center in Lihue. He will be at the opening reception with other Kaua’i artists this Thursday evening. During this free event, you can visit with Kahu and meet many other talented artists. You can also get an idea of what is coming up on the Artists’ Open Studios Tour on April 18-19 (when you can visit the parsonage and see and hear what Kahu, Julie Berg and Eileen Kechloian have been up to, as well as visit other studios on the south and west parts of the island) and April 25-26 (on the east and north parts of the island).
by admin | Apr 8, 2015 | Message from Kahu

Lava Entering Kaimu Bay — August 1990
On Easter Sunday, I shared with the congregation about one of my favorite places on earth: Kaimu Beach. I talked about its glistening black sand; the coconut trees which lined the beach and provided shade for people; its stunning beauty. I also shared that Kaimu Beach is no longer there, for Kilauea’s lava covered the beach in August 1990. It seems like only yesterday as I watched molten lava spill out over the sand and into the ocean, creating giant plumes of steam. “How can it be,” I asked myself, “that my favorite spot on earth and the most meaningful place I knew is dying right in front of me. Is this really happening?”
I shared with the congregation that I think I knew when I first visited Kaimu as an eleven-year old that it is possible to love a place just like it is possible to love a person. I also shared that love for people and places remain long after they are gone. This past year, I mourned the death of my mother, my uncle (Mom’s younger brother and the only uncle I really knew growing up), a close friend JoAnne who was very influential in my life during my teenage years, and others. How can it be? Is this really happening? These two questions have popped up often this past year. (And I’m pretty sure Jesus’ disciples were asking these same questions after both his death and resurrection!)
There really is no easy answer to the first question. The answer to the second question is easier, at least after catching my breath: “Yes, it IS really happening.” But once I have settled into the questions and answers that confront me during times of grief, I am left with the reminder that the love once shared is still shared. The love remains long after death. In fact, I believe it remains through eternity. I think that is the whole point of Easter!
May you be filled with joy and hope during this Easter season!
Kahu Alan Akana
by admin | Apr 1, 2015 | Message from Kahu
On Palm Sunday, I shared with the congregation some thoughts about the donkey on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem. According to the Gospel of John, it was a donkey colt–just a baby! People were used to Roman soldiers riding into town on their gigantic horses, reminding them not to mess with the powers that be. John compared Jesus (along with his message, life and “leadership style”) with the Roman Emperor and those who represented him. (Hence, the baby donkey!) The emperor was known as the one who took away life from the common people. John portrays Jesus as the one who gives life to the common people–and everyone else for that matter. Over and over again in John’s Gospel, we see Jesus giving life, talking about life, promising life, and living life. He offered not only a quantity (eternal), but a quality (abundant).
As we prepare ourselves to partake of Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday, may we open our hearts to Jesus–the Bread of Life. As we prepare ourselves to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday, may we open our hearts to the life he offered: eternal and abundant…the life that not even death can take away!
I invite you to join us at Koloa Union Church as we celebrate life!!!
Kahu Alan Akana
by admin | Apr 1, 2015 | News
Our Kahu has been invited by the Kauai Museum to speak about his book, The Volcano Is Our Home: Nine Generations of a Hawaiian Family on Kilauea Volcano, on Wednesday April 1 at 4 p.m. He will sign books after he speaks.
Please come if you can and invite anyone you know on Kauai who is interested in Hawaiian history and culture told from the perspective of the Maka’ainana (the “common” and fascinating people who attend the land) who have lived on the slopes of Kilauea Volcano for nearly 2,000 years.
The Kaua’i Museum is located at 4428 Rice Street in Lihue. For more info, see the link below.
Join us in the sanctuary at 7 p.m. on April 2 for a special communion service in remembrance of Jesus’ last supper and his commandment to love one another. We will share music, Scripture readings, reflections, and, of course, holy communion.
Friday, April 3 The children of the church, their families and friends are invited to decorate Easter eggs and eat lunch tomorrow, 10 a.m. to noon, in Moore Hall. The eggs will be used in the Easter egg hunt on Sunday morning.
6 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service at Kukuiolono Park in Kalaheo.
Join us and five other churches on the south shore to welcome Easter morning as the sun comes over the mountains. There will be prayers, Scripture readings and lots of music. Bring a raincoat or umbrella.
9 a.m. Easter Breakfast in Moore Hall
A delicious breakfast and time of fellowship before our Easter Sunday worship service. Please see Penny Osuga if you would like to volunteer.
10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection or our Savior and all that it means to us! The children will learn about the meaning of Easter and receive instructions for the Easter egg hunt in Sunday school.
11:30 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch at the Parsonage
Join us at the parsonage (3281 Waikomo Road) for a delicious lunch and a fun Easter egg hunt for the children. We request that space in the driveway and front of the parsonage be used for handicap parking. NOTE: Children are asked to bring an Easter basket and stay out of the front yard until the Easter egg hunt begins!
We will collect the OGHS offering on Maundy Thursday and Easter morning. Please use the special offering envelope provided in your bulletin or write OGHS on your checks made out to Koloa Union Church. Mahalo nui for your generosity!
Capital Campaign Information Packets will be available on Sunday after church for members and friends of the church. If you are on our mailing list, please be sure to pick up the packet with your name and address on it. Visitors are also welcome to receive a packet. And remember to PLEASE SAY “YES” when invited to volunteer for the capital campaign.
SATURDAY, April 11, 2015
8:00 am —- 12:00 Noon
We are asking for volunteers to get all “gently used” donations onto display tables from Wednesday afternoon (April 8) to Friday night (April 10). JoAnne has been pre-sorting all donations so setting up will be organized and go quickly. We need volunteers to work during the Rummage Sale (cashiers, working the bake sale, volunteers to continuously straighten the array of items we hope to sell, etc.). We especially need volunteers to help take all un-sold items to a pre-selected drop off spot. Please use the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
From the April Newsletter
Per MSN, Hawaii is the 2nd Happiest State!!! #1 Happiest State is ALASKA!!! No wonder our friends, Ed/LeEllen Baker and Bill/Sally Brook are always smiling! High fives to Luke! Won 1st place in the Oahu/Kauai Boys & Girls Club “youth of the year” competition! Thank you to Mokihana Powers for filling our pulpit. We all enjoyed hearing of her Hawaiian family and traditions. Thanks to Becky and Bonnie for attending the Church Leadership Event on Oahu. Thank you, Carole Pugsley for serving as layreader…..twice! And also to Ed Perrin , both always do such a great jobs. Doug and the youth are putting our new mission statement to music!!!! Exciting!! Aunty Dollie’s daughter, Nanette, has moved home. Always enjoy her energy! Dollie’s beautiful granddaughters, Chenoa and Chloe, came for a visit. We now start our Sunday Service with the call of the pu shell, traditional gathering call of the Hawaiian people. Garrett Sakimae was home for a visit from SoCal. Lee/Carol Bowen have left us for their “extended 40 week vacation in Michigan.” The word is Logan Baptiste is directing a play!!! Hi-Tops? Please wear your name tags on Sunday. It helps our visitors. Great having Spencer Duvauchelle home while on spring break. Thank you to the Shigezawa/Sueoka families for the beautiful altar flowers. Thanks, Sam Tucci & Doug for the fab duet. Was soooooo nice having Dan/Joy King here for a visit. We still miss their volunteerism and endless energy! Joy’s 1st stop? The kitchen!! To our members/friends: we will be disposing of the piano that currently sits in Moore Hall. Please let Penny know if you are interested having it. Enjoyed a fun “Taco Toss” dinner at the parsonage with our mainland ohana=snowbirds.

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