A Message From Our Kahu
“Life that Really is Life“
On Sunday, we focused on living our best possible life. Of course, how we define that is a bit different for each of us, but once we figure out what it means for us, we can then go after it. The Bible gives great guidance as to what that life can look like.
In the Scripture passage we read from 1 Timothy, chapter 6, the author tells Timothy to take hold of life that really is life. In my message, I stated that this was the “beating heart” of passage—and all of 1 Timothy for that matter. The beating heart of a passage is the part which is the key message by which the rest of the parts are to be interpreted. And so, as the author writes about contentment, love, generosity and gentleness, these things are to be understood under the umbrella of “Take hold of life that really is life.”
Since Jesus made it clear that God loves the entire world, including all its people, and his vision of abundant life was for everyone, we must take hold of a deep and meaningful life not only for ourselves but for all people.
As we live our lives from day to day, let us take hold of life that really is life, not only contentment for ourselves but acting with love, generosity, and gentleness toward others; and let us be committed to creating a world where an abundant life really is available to everyone.
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
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