A Message From Our Kahu
“We Have Begun”
We have begun imagining! At our Leadership Retreat last month the leaders of the church began to “Imagine Together” what God might be calling us as a congregation to be and do during the next 3 years.
During October we are asking people to prayerfully imagine how you believe God is leading us as a congregation. I have invited various people to share their thoughts about this on Sunday mornings. I also invite you to share your thoughts with me and the Church Council.
In the November Newsletter we will include a draft of our vision for the next 3 years and invite any feedback you may have at that point.
In the December Newsletter we will publish again the vision with any updates that may be made. I hope that looking at the vision over the next few months will help everyone stimulate ideas of how to accomplish everything in it.
At the Annual Meeting on January 26 the members of the congregation will vote on the new vision and we will begin implementing it.
In the meantime, I invite you once again to look at the picture above and consider what ideas might pop into your head as you consider the empty space where the lightbulb would normally be. Knowing that God “is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine,” what do YOU think God might be calling us as a congregation to be and do in the next 3 years? Please feel free to think “outside the box”! Have fun imagining! Let us know your thoughts! You can do this by talking directly to me or anyone on the Church Council. Remember: this is our vision, and your voice matters!
Aloha Nui Loa!
Aloha Nui Loa!
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