A Message From Our Kahu
“A Time To Give Thanks”
November is a time to give thanks, so let me begin by saying “Thank you” to the congregation! I am deeply grateful for the generosity and faithfulness of our church members and friends. We have had such an amazing year: celebrating our 100th anniversary; a huge turnout for the Koloa Plantation Days Parade (I believe our largest number of participants ever); generous giving to the general fund, as well as many other areas, including the Maui wildfire relief fund; support of our youth director and youth ministry. I am also so thankful to our Deacons, who have done an outstanding job moving into our “new normal” when it comes to our post-pandemic worship services. I am grateful for our Church Council, and especially Dan Giovanni (our Buildings & Grounds Chair) and Becky Sakimae (our Treasurer) for their management of our finances during a challenging year when the parsonage needed roof repairs (twice!), structural reinforcements, and replacement of damaged wood due to insects and moisture, and the church building had unexpected maintenance needs as well! Most importantly, I am grateful that we continue to to encourage those who are feeling sad, feeding those who are hungry, praying for all who need our prayers, and providing inspiration to all.
As we approach Thanksgiving Day, I hope that you too will feel a deep sense of appreciation for our church, for we truly make a difference in our community and in the world. I invite you to take some time this month to express your gratitude. Spend some extra time in prayer to thank God for your blessings. Write a thank you note to someone you really appreciate. Try to say “thank you” more often. And, as much as you can, live a life of gratitude!
Aloha Nui Loa!
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