A Message From Our Kahu
“Looking Ahead”
Every year brings new changes—and 2023 is no different! In fact, new changes at Koloa Union Church are already happening…and there are more changes down the road. One of the things I am most excited about are the opportunities for growth. A healthy church is a growing church, and a growing church brings in new ideas and new energy! As you learn about the changes that are happening in the days ahead of us, please think about the opportunities for you to invite friends and neighbors to our wonderful church!
- Easter Picnic: After 3 years of no gathering together for meals, we will be having our first Easter picnic since 2019! Be sure to join us on April 9 for an inspiring worship service at the church and then gather afterwards at the parsonage for some great food!
- Church on the Beach: We will gather at the large pavilion at Poipu Beach across from Nukumoi Surf Shop for an informal and fun worship service at 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 30! We’ll have more details in the April Newsletter.
- Church Kitchen: We will begin demolition soon and plan to have a brand new church kitchen by the end of summer. We have applied for a grant and have been receiving some large donations from generous donors to cover most of the costs. If we still need to raise some money to complete the project, we will be letting you know about opportunities for giving later in the spring.
- Centennial Celebration: Koloa Union Church will be the GRAND MARSHAL in this year’s Koloa Plantation Days Parade on Saturday, July 29! We hope to have a HUGE turnout of members and friends to walk and ride in the parade with us this year. We are planning a delicious and fun-filled luncheon after church on Sunday, July 30.
- New Patio Roof: We have been talking about covering the patio area to the west of the church kitchen for a number of years now, and we have some great plans in store for that space! Since we are focussing on our new kitchen and Centennial in 2023, you’ll be hearing all about our patio plans in 2024.
- The Loosening of Pandemic Restrictions: As we learn more about coronavirus and how to protect ourselves from infection and serious illness, we continue to loosen restrictions. Be sure to read about our new guidelines below.
Thank you so much for making all of these things possible through your prayers, involvement and gifts. Because of our wonderful and gifted leaders, members and friends, I see a very bright future for our beloved church!
Aloha Nui Loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
Will you consider inviting a friend or two to a
worship service or church activity during the next month?
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