A Message From Our Kahu
“Vision Update”
Every few years since 2014, our church leaders meet together in a retreat setting to give thanks for what has happened among us and to consider how God might be leading us into a vision for the future. Each time we have gathered, most of our Council members and Deacons attend, as well as other interested members of the church. By the end of the retreat, we set priorities and goals for the coming years and communicate them with the Congregation. In the past, this process has led us to our successful capital campaign—which allowed us to give a major facelift to our property and sanctuary—as well as becoming an official “Open & Affirming” congregation of the United Church of Christ, hiring a Youth Director, and significantly increasing our financial offerings to the church.
According to our most recent vision statement, “In December 2022…we have finalized plans for a certified kitchen that serves people in Moore Hall and in the patio area.” In the fall of 2022, Dan Giovanni, our Building and Grounds Chair, presented to the Council drawings made by the local architectural firm Palms Hawaii Architecture, along with estimated costs for the project ($90,000) and a timeline. I got busy putting a plan together to raise the money without having another major capital campaign.
Penny Jessup agreed to write a grant proposal for $40,000 from the Vidinha Family Trust. We were notified last week that the full amount has been awarded to us and the check is now in the bank! I am so grateful to Penny J. for her devotion to the church and all of the “behind the scenes” work she does for us on a regular basis! The remaining $50,000 has also been raised by a small handful of very generous members and friends of the church. I am once again so grateful (and, frankly, overwhelmed) by the generosity of the people of our church.
Dan will once again oversee the project: working with the architect and contractors, making sure permits are approved with the County of Kauai, approving bills to be paid on time, and communicating with the Congregation. It’s hard to imagine what we would do without Dan! Be sure to scroll down just a bit and see the drawings done by Palms Hawaii, as well as some of the details about the project.
In case you are wondering, our next major project of our vision after the kitchen is completed will be creating “an attractive, peaceful, safe and useful space on the west end of our property.” That’s the patio area just to the west of the church office and kitchen. We will be talking more about this toward the end of the year and getting input from the Congregation before moving forward.
In the meantime, I want you to know how grateful I am for the generosity of members and friends of the church who not only make projects like our kitchen possible but who also give faithfully throughout the year to keep our church’s vision and mission alive and well!
Aloha Nui Loa!
Kahu Alan Akan
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