A Message From Our Kahu
“A New Year’s Message”
New Year’s is a time to look back and look forward.
We have much to celebrate as we think back over 2023: a fantastic centennial celebration; an expanding music ministry; ongoing outreach to the community; a strong youth group for our middle and high school students; a deep level of generosity to relief efforts in the world, including Maui after the devastating wildfires; a growing sense of community as people show up to worship services, outreach opportunities, and social activities. Many among us also celebrated important milestones during the year, such as births, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries. It has also been a difficult time for many, as illness, injury and death have all touched our congregation this past year. During these times, we have prayed for and supported those who have faced great losses.
As we enter a brand new year full of opportunities, we can look forward to the completion of our church kitchen, enjoying meals together again at church on a regular basis, and making plans for the next 3 to 4 years. Personally, I am looking forward to another sabbatical in Europe this spring (March 11 through June 11).
I am reminded that we never know what surprises the year will have for us. Some we will welcome with joy; others we would wish to avoid altogether. However, I am confident that we will be there for one another: celebrating the upcoming milestones and supporting each other whenever difficulty or tragedy strikes.
We are truly a special congregation: diverse in background and united in love for one another and for the world. One of my dreams for 2024 is that we will share the gift of our congregation with others; and so, I invite you to consider someone you might invite to church this year and also think of someone you know whom our church might help, whether it be our prayers, our fellowship, or our assistance in difficult times.
May 2024 be a year of growth and continued celebration!
Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
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