A Message From Our Kahu
“Growing Together in Love“
At our Annual Congregational meeting on February 2, we voted on a new vision statement for our church, which will help us focus on our most important goals during the next three years. An important part of our vision is growth. There are many ways which churches grow: numbers of members, numbers of participants, opportunities for faith formation and education, ministries to the community, and more. I invite you to think about the ways YOU can help our church grow.
In over 40 years of congregational ministry and consulting communities of faith, I’ve noticed that churches are either growing or shrinking. One thing is for certain: they are constantly changing! My hope is that our changes will always be in line with God’s plans for us and for the world—where compassion, peace and justice will be part of all of our decisions.
Most importantly, may we grow together in love. May love guide our decisions. May love guide our actions. May love guide our ministry.
Aloha Nui Loa!

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