A Message From Our Kahu
“Are You Ready for Christmas?”
People often ask, “Are you ready for Christmas?” That’s kind of a tricky question to answer during this rather busy time of the year! We rarely feel ready when we measure “readiness” in terms of all of the extra tasks we take on during this time of the year—as fun as they may be.
For me, being ready for Christmas primarily means being able to see however God shows up in my life and all around me—even when God appears in disguise. When Jesus was born, most people would never have guessed that God would come to the world in the form of a poor, helpless baby to parents who didn’t have a bed for themselves or a crib for their newborn child.
Today, God continues to show up incognito—as a person who challenges our perceptions and tests our patience…as an opportunity to love someone in brand new way…as an invitation to try something new and life-giving…as a “disappointment” that helps us to focus on something we never even noticed before.
When “readiness” is defined in these terms, I think I am ready, yet I continue to learn to be more ready with each passing year. I pray that you too will be ready for Christmas…and continue to learn to be even more ready!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
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