The Season of Easter
You may have heard that I have been rather sick the past couple of weeks. On Wednesday evening before Easter, my throat was sore and I was rather tired. I figured I was pushing myself a bit too hard and my allergies were kicking in but, just to be safe, I took a Covid test…and it came out positive. I thought it might be a “false positive” as I wasn’t feeling that bad. Since I was planning on serving communion at our Maundy Thursday service the next day, I decided to test again in the morning—but there was no need. When I woke up I felt like I had come down with the worst flu of my life. For a week and a half, I felt sick and had very little energy.
When I went to bed that Wednesday night, I was all ready for Maundy Thursday, looking forward to hanging out with the kids as they colored Easter eggs on Good Friday, and my message for Easter morning was nearly complete. I was looking forward to it all! Once I started to feel a bit better, one of my first thoughts was, “I have missed Easter!” However, as I looked at the church calendar and continued preparing worship services for the upcoming weeks, I was reminded that Easter is a season! Yes, I missed the first day: Easter Sunday. As I spent most of the next week lying in bed and on my couch, I missed some more days. However, I am now “up and about” and looking forward to celebrating the rest of the Easter Season with more energy!
As I have been reading over the Scriptures for the upcoming weeks, I am reminded that, throughout the Gospels, Jesus kept showing up to his disciples. Sometimes they recognized him; sometimes they did not. Sometimes they seem to understand who he was; sometimes they did not. Sometimes the path seemed clear; sometimes it did not. That continued to be the case even after the resurrection; and it continues to be the case today. However, now as then, Jesus keeps showing up. Sometimes he does so in ways we expect; sometimes in unpredictable and surprising ways. Regardless of how the Risen Christ appears, and whether or not we recognize him, I am grateful that he keeps showing up, in fact, that he never leaves us—not even in our sickness, or when we face the death of loved ones, or when we confront our own mortality.
May we keep our eyes and our hearts open so that however Jesus shows up, we will say the words of the disciple whom Jesus loved, “It is the Lord!”
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
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