A Message From Our Kahu
“The Season of Easter”
The Season of Easter begins on Easter Sunday—and lasts until Pentecost Sunday, which lands on May 28 this year. When I read the resurrection accounts in the Gospels, I am not surprised that we need more than a day for the resurrection to sink in and settle in our hearts and minds. After all, Luke tells us that the disciples didn’t believe that Jesus rose from the dead even while he stood there among them showing them his hands and feet—and these were people who spent years with him!
Faith takes time. Allowing faith to change us takes time as well. I am reminded during the Easter Season to pay attention to the most important things in life—things like hope, wonder, faith, and anticipation that somehow, some way, there is always the possibility of life after death. These aren’t the kinds of things that happen suddenly with snap of a finger…or the waving of a magic wand…or even deeply felt prayers. It usually takes time for such things to cultivate and to blossom in our lives like the flowers which bloom in the springtime after a long, cold winter.
During the Season of Easter, I invite you to consider ways which faith might bloom in your life, how it might gradually change you, how it might even make life more joyful and meaningful. I trust that your participation in the life and worship of Koloa Union Church would be part of that transformation. I also encourage you to invite someone who might be especially blessed by being part of our community of faith.
Aloha Nui Loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
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worship service or church activity during the next month?
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