

On Sunday, I shared with the congregation about the traditional Hawaiian sense of connection that the people of these islands have felt for nearly 2,000 years:

  • Connection to the land
  • Connection to all that is on the land: trees, plants and rocks
  • Connection to others: ‘ohana (family) and everyone else

Our connection to one another is strong, in part, because Hawaiians traditionally believed that we are all descendants of the kalo (taro) plant. We take great care of the kalo because it is our cousin; it also reminds us that we are connected to one another: when one finds joy, we all share in that joy; when one hurts, we all feel that pain together.

It is this strong connection that has motivated the people to take great care of their land and to treat others with hospitality and respect. When we look around us and allow ourselves to see all of the connections that we have, we treat land, water, all creatures and every human being with dignity and respect. And so, I encourage us all to look for those connections and pay attention to them so that every part of our world will enjoy compassion and peace.

Aloha nui loa!

Kahu Alan Akana