Our Kahu, Alan Akana
On Sunday, we collected and blessed many commitments for our capital campaign, “Maika’i Hana Hou!” During the sermon, I compared our church to a garden. I told the story of how I once turned a very drab cement and dirt patio in my former home into a vibrant flower garden. I soon was having friends over for meals and throwing parties there on a regular basis. I loved having people over to enjoy the space, and they loved being there! Imagine a future where the appearance of our church has that same feeling: where people love being and can’t wait to come back with friends!
I was so pleased when Dan Giovanni, our Capital Campaign chairperson, announced in church that we had already received early gifts in excess of $150,000! On Sunday, June 7, we plan to announce that we have raised our Capital Campaign goal of $200,000. Thank you so much to everyone who made a commitment already. For those of you who are still thinking about it, we need to hear from you by June 1 in order to count your commitment in the grand total announcement on the 7th. (You can pick up a commitment card in church or ask Penny to mail one to you.)
Once we have received gifts of $200,000, we will be able to complete all of the projects in Phase 1 of our master plan: a more beautiful, peaceful and comfortable sanctuary; new restrooms; a brand new parking area with nice landscaping all around; a new church sign; a nice entryway (with non-slip walking surfaces!); better office space for Penny; a place for deacons to store worship & greeting supplies; a contribution to pay back borrowed money from our permanent funds; a new fund for youth; and a few other smaller projects! If we receive significantly more than our goal, we will begin projects that are on our list for Phase 2, such as an upgraded kitchen; an enclosed narthex (entryway/lobby to the sanctuary); upgrades to Moore Hall and the parsonage.
Please keep praying for Kōloa Union Church and for a successful capital campaign, and plan to join us (in person or in spirit!) at 10:30 on Sunday, June 7, at the parsonage when we announce our grand total during an informal worship service on the lawn and celebrate our success with a barbecue luncheon!
Maika‘i Hana Hou!
Kahu Alan Akana
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