
RED is the Color of Pentecost!

A Note from Kahu Alan Akana

“Pentecost Sunday”

When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place. (Acts 2:1)

Greetings from Berkeley, California! During the past two days, I have been attending the spring meeting of the Board of Trustees at Pacific School of Religion. I am excited to be part of this institution which has been preparing church and community leaders for over 150 years. When PSR began in 1866, it began training leaders in California and ever since has been one of the primary seminaries for training Congregationalist ministers (and now UCC ministers) west of the Mississippi River. I look forward to sharing with you on Sunday about some of my own seminary experiences as well as my involvement at PSR, including some of the highlights from the last two days.

On the day that became known as the Christian Pentecost, followers of Jesus all gathered together in one place. The Holy Spirit filled them and spoke through them to everyone around. As we celebrate the Day of Pentecost this coming Sunday, I am eager to see how God’s Spirit speaks to us and in the days to come how the Spirit speaks through us.

We also celebrate “Seminary Sunday” this week. You will have the opportunity during Sunday’s offering to make a gift to Pacific School of Religion in order to support the education and training of current and future church leaders. I support PSR with my regular contributions because I believe the future of the church depends on educating and training people to lead our churches. I invite you to join me in supporting PSR by making a donation this Sunday. Checks should be made to “Koloa Union Church” with “PSR” in the note section.

By the way, if you want to really get into the spirit of Pentecost, wear something RED this Sunday as we celebrate God’s Spirit in our midst!

Aloha nui!

Kahu Alan Akana


Our Kahu (Pastor) offers a weekly message in church most Sundays during the year. Click HERE to see a video of his sermon from two weeks ago; Kahu was away this past Sunday. You may see the Koloa Union Church YouTube channel to see many of his past messages and subscribe in order be notified when a new message is posted. Please share these videos with friends and invite them to church. Please feel free to “Like” any of the videos you see and share them on social media, such as Facebook, so that others will notice them.

“A Message from Kahu Alan Akana” is provided most weeks by the Kahu (Pastor) of Koloa Union Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference.