WOMEN’S GATHERING The Women’s Board of Missions for the Pacific Islands is gathering at Lihue United Parish Hall on Saturday, May 13 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Women are encouraged to attend the gathering for worship, fellowship and to learn about new missions.
NA HIMENI CONCERT Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational Church invites you to their 4th Annual Na Himeni Concert on Saturday, May 13. Heavy pupus will be served at 5 p.m. and the concert begins at 6. Special guests will be singing, including Ken Makuakane, Cindy Combs and `Ohana Ni`ihau O Waimea Church Choir! Tickets are $25, and proceeds benefit West Kaua`i Music Ministry, a community outreach program for music education. Call 335-3505 for reservations.
MOTHER’S DAY LUNCHEON Join us for a special lunch on May 14, immediately after church services. The men (with a little help from the ladies) will be preparing a delicious meal to honor the moms, grandmas, aunties.
FAREWELL LUNCH Sadly, Mike and Fran Johnshoy and JoAnne Machin are moving to the mainland. We will be serving a special lunch in their honor on Sunday, May 21, immediately following church services. These three church members have been the epitome of volunteerism, and Koloa Union Church and members will certainly miss their presence.
SERVICE OF INSTALLATION The Rev. Malcolm Carr will be installed as Pastor of Lihu`e Christian Church on Sunday, May 21, at 3 p.m. Please contact Kahu Alan if you would like to carpool, as Kahu will be participating in the installation service.
BOOK RELEASE RECEPTION On Friday, May 26, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Kahu Alan Akana will be hosting a reception at Alan Akana Gallery (3281 Waikomo Road) for the release of the revised edition of The Volcano Is Our Home: Nine Generations of a Hawaiian Family on Kilauea Volcano. The Author’s Talk will be at 7:30. Signed copies of the book will be available for sale. The event will be a fundraiser for the Smith Memorial Parsonage And Church Buildings & Grounds. Parking is available at the gallery and at Koloa Union Church. For more information, call Alan Akana Gallery at 353-1347 or check out the gallery website at: www.alanakanagallery.com.
YOUTH BEACH DAY Our youth will be joining other young people from Kaua`i UCC churches on Saturday, May 27, at 9 a.m. to participate in a beach cleanup at Donkey Beach and then picnic and play time at Kealia Beach. Please see Kahu Akana if you did not receive the email with all of the detail
PRAYERS & SQUARES Contact Angela Dressel if you would like to get involved in praying for people in crisis or helping to make quilt squares for those in crisis.
“Weekly News of the Church” is provided by Koloa Union Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference. Join us at 3289 Poipu Road in Koloa!
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