Sunday Worship
July 26, 2020
10:30 a.m.
Join Us for Worship on Sunday!
“Don’t Interrupt Me, Lord, I’m Praying!”
We Have LOTS of Room!
Seating in the Sanctuary
More Space Under the Big Tent on the Patio
Live-streaming in Moore Hall on a Large TV Monitor

July Food Distribution
Partnering with St. Raphael Church
KUC volunteers spent part of Thursday morning last week at St. Raphael Catholic Church filling over a hundred bags of groceries for hungry families. On Friday morning we were mentioned in The Garden Island Newspaper!

During challenging times, reading the Bible on a daily basis is a great source of inspiration and hope. I encourage you to read and meditate upon the Scriptures of the Revised Common Lectionary and ask yourself how God might be showing up in the Scriptures for you, what God might be saying to you, and what guidance you might find as you share God’s love in creative and meaningful ways.
—Kahu Alan Akana
Each week, Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one reading each Sunday.
Readings for July 19 are Genesis 28:10-20; Psalm 139:1-24; Isaiah 44:6-8; Psalm 86:11-17; Romans 8:12-25; Matthew 13:24-43.
Readings for July 26 are Genesis 29:15-28; Psalm 105:1-46; Psalm 128; 1 Kings 3:5-12; Psalm 119:129-136; Romans 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-52.
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