A Special Online Worship Service
Easter Sunday
April 12, 2020
Join us on Sunday for:
† Special Hula by RoseTatiana Warken Ceballos
(Accompanied by Dr. Douglas Duvauchelle)
† Easter Message by Kahu Alan Akana
† Sing-along with Easter Hymns
† Reading of the Easter Story
† Music by Kathleen Dahill
(Performed by Our Church Choir)
† Prayers of the People
† Sharing Our Joy!
You can find the link on Sunday morning
right here on our website.
You can also go directly to our YouTube Channel
to watch Sunday’s service and
most of our past worship services.

Making “Comfort Masks” for KVMH
Our faithful volunteers continue to make face masks for Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital (KVMH). These are masks worn by their employees who are not working with critical care or coronavirus patients. In order to meet this goal, we still need lots of help. If you can help, please contact Cathy Evans (volunteer coordinator).
We will use a very simple pattern: two pieces of cotton fabric (9” x 6”), and 2 pieces of 1/4″ or 1/8″ elastic (7” each). The instructions are on this video on Youtube:
If you are interested in this project, please do the following:
- Let Cathy know if you will sew masks and if you need fabric and elastic: [email protected]. Prayers and Squares has extra fabric which you can pick up at an agreed upon time and location between you and Cathy.
- Enlist/encourage people you know to sew these masks. In order to meet this goal, we need others to help. Please let Cathy know the person’s name, phone # and email address.
- When people are ready to deliver completed masks, contact Cathy.
- REALLY IMPORTANT: Please look in your stash of sewing supplies (AND ask your friends) to donate to this project 1/4“ or 1/8” elastic. This is an item that is in short supply and lately unavailable available in stores!
- MORE IMPORTANT: Pray! This is something we all can do! Pray to heal those who have COVID-19 and to protect those who do not have it. Pray to reach out to meet the needs of the people around us during this pandemic. Pray we can meet the need for these comfort masks. Pray to give us all hope, joy and peace.
Our Stewardship Committee asks each person to prayerfully consider giving as much as you are able so that our church can continue to carry on our important mission and get through the next couple of months by fulfilling all of our financial commitments. As always, checks may be mailed to the church: P.O. Box 536, Koloa, HI 96756. All gifts are greatly appreciated!
Bill Dressel, Stewardship Chair
During challenging times, reading the Bible on a daily basis is a great source of inspiration and hope. I encourage you to read and meditate upon the Scriptures of the Revised Common Lectionary and ask yourself how God might be showing up in the Scriptures for you, what God might be saying to you, and what guidance you might find as you share God’s love in creative and meaningful ways.
—Kahu Alan Akana
Each week Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one of them on the following Sunday. This week’s readings areActs 10:34-43; Jeremiah 31:1-6; Psalm 118:1-24; Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-18; Matthew 28:1-10.
“Weekly News of the Church” is provided by Koloa Union Church, an Open and Affirming (ONA) Congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference. Please contact the church office if you would like to have our weekly news sent directly to your inbox. Join us at 3289 Poipu Road in Koloa!
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