Our Centennial

This year’s stewardship theme is “100 Years of Aloha!” Each year in the fall we focus on the importance of stewardship in our lives. In October we will share stories and give thanks for the past century of faithful churchgoers who have shared their gifts. We will also look forward to how we might begin Koloa Union Church’s next century in 2023 with that same spirit of generosity!
We mailed a letter explaining our theme, along with a prayer card with this year’s stewardship prayer, to all of our members and friends who are on our stewardship mailing list. (If you didn’t get the mailing and would like to receive it and be added to the mailing list, just contact the church office.) Please pray the prayer on the prayer card (also printed below) in the coming weeks as you determine your financial commitment to our beloved church in 2023. We ask our members and friends to let us know your giving plans for the coming year in order to prepare a realistic budget.
We will be mailing commitment cards for 2023 in a couple of weeks. Your commitment card is very helpful for our finance committee and Church Council as we prepare next year’s budget and bring it to the congregation at our annual meeting in January. Please bring your completed commitment card with you to church on Sunday, October 23 so that we can bless all of our commitments and consider what our ministry might look like in 2023 as we begin the next 100 years of Koloa Union Church.
Our Stewardship Prayer
O God, just as your faithful servants
have so freely given to our church
over the past century, may I carry
on their tradition of generosity
as I prayerfully consider my
commitment to this
church in 2023.
May my gifts to Kōloa Union Church
truly express the gratitude I have
for this congregation and all
you have done for me.
Planned Giving Luncheon

Building a Strong Foundation for the Next Century
Date & Time: Sunday, October 23 11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Location: Smith Memorial Parsonage 3281 Waikomo Road, Koloa
Every church has its ups and downs when it comes to income versus necessary expenditures, including Koloa Union Church. One of the reasons we have made it through the difficult times as a congregation over the past 100 years is because of the legacy gifts that people have left us in their estate plans.
As we plan for the future, we are asking our members and friends to consider a planned gift to the church. You can leave the entirety of your estate to the church or decide upon a specific amount or a percentage to the church, thereby leaving an appropriate amount to your heirs and others as well. Many people are not aware of tax advantages and high bank fees that sometimes eat up a significant portion of an estate gift before it ever gets to the recipient.
If you are interested in learning more, please attend this free planned giving luncheon. After a delicious meal, Norma Doctor Sparks will lead a brief workshop on how to leave the church in your estate plans so that the church will benefit from the maximum amount that you intend to give.
RSVP by contacting the church office by October 16.
Prayers and Squares

Prayers & Squares
Tuesday, October 4 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Prayers and Squares is a ministry promoting prayer by creating beautiful hand-tied quilts and offering them to people in crisis or those whom we wish to offer a special aloha. A prayer is said with each knot that is tied in the quilt. When recipients put the quilts it over themselves, they are covering themselves with our prayers. Our motto: “It’s not about the quilt; it’s all about the prayers.”
To request a quilt for church members or friends in crisis, call Debbie Gunning at 808-652-7899. No experience in quilting or sewing is necessary. There are jobs for everyone to help in the making of the quilts…and everyone is invited to pray!
Service of Installation Of Reverend Robert Bork
You are invited to Kapaa United Church of Christ as they install Reverend Robert Bork as Pastor and Teacher Sunday, October 9, 3 p.m. Please RSVP to Koloa Union Church office by October 2.

Youth Halloween Party

Sunday, October 16 4:45 – 7:00p.m.
Don’t forget to RSVP by Wednesday, October 12!
Lectio Divina

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 12 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Smith Memorial Parsonage
Lectio Divina is a time to silently reflect together on a repeated reading from the Bible and then share with one another about the experience (if so desired). RSVP by Sunday, October 9!
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Mahalo to Worship Participants

Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible
Reading for September 25: Jeremiah 1-15; Psalm 91:1-16; Amos 6:1-7; Psalm 146; 1 Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31.
Reading for October 2: Lamentations 1:1-6 and 3:19-26; Psalm 137; Habakkuk 1:1-2:4; Psalm 37:1-9; 2 Timothy 1:1-14; Luke 17:5-10.
Reading for October 9: Jeremiah 29:1-7; Psalm 66:1-12; 2 Kings 5:1-16; Psalm 111; 2 Timothy 2:8-15; Luke 17:11-19.
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