Our Centennial

Our Centennial Committee has been meeting since February 2021 to consider how we might best celebrate the past 100 years since we became “Koloa Union Church.” Of course our Christian presence on the south shore dates back to 1834 and the establishment of an official congregation in 1835 under the supervision of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The committee has been learning a lot over the past year and a half and looking forward to sharing our findings over the next year, as well as planning some meaningful events.
Here are some dates to keep in mind as we celebrate 100 Years of Aloha:
- October 2022: Our centennial theme will be the focus of our annual time of stewardship. We will share stories and give thanks for the past century of faithful churchgoers who have shared their gifts and look forward to how we might begin the next century with that same spirit of generosity!
- January 1, 2023: The first day of our centennial year!
- June 3: We will participate in the Kauai Pride Parade and Celebration as we proudly wave our rainbow colors and celebrate our centennial with the island!
- July 29: Koloa Union Church will be the Grand Marshal of the Koloa Plantation Days Parade!
- July 30: Centennial worship service and celebration feast!
Please mark these dates on your calendars! There will be a lot more information forthcoming, but these are the special dates to remember at this point. We look forward to celebrating with you 100 Years of Aloha!

Committee for the Assurance of Pandemic Safety
CAPS met on September 7 for a monthly review of guidelines, issues and recommendations. The team recommends that we keep the current guidelines in place for just a bit longer as we pay special attention to the current rollout of the new bivalent vaccination booster which targets some of the sub-variants of Covid-19. If the results are as good as we are expecting, we are hopeful that we can lift most of our guidelines by December. We all look forward to the day when we can celebrate communion as we used to, singing songs and hymns, eating together as a church, greeting with handshakes and embraces! In order for the new booster rollout to be the successful, the CDC and Health Department recommends that all people who are able receive the booster as early as possible.
CAPS recommends the following:
- Keep our current guidelines until we know the success of the boosters.
- Encourage everyone who is able to get the booster and a flu shot.
- Stay as healthy as possible.
- Pray for a successful booster rollout, for CAPS, and for our church.
CAPS is Kahu Akana, Michael Horning, Penny Jessup and Penny Osuga. This committee was created at the start of the pandemic and meets monthly to recommend and review church guidelines in order to keep everyone safe and well as we continue to discover what it means to be the church during these challenging times.
Prayers and Squares

Youth Halloween Party

Sunday, October 16
4:45 – 7:00p.m.
Don’t forget to RSVP by Wednesday, October 12!
Church Breakfast

Kiawe Roots 2-3687 Kaumualii Highway in Lawai
Tuesday, September 27
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Join us on the 4th Tuesday of each month for delicious food and a fun time getting to know others from Koloa Union Church! Space is limited.
RSVP on the sign-up sheet on the church bulletin board or contact the church office.
Next month’s breakfast will be October 25th.
Location TBA
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Mahalo to Worship Participants

Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible
Reading for September 11: Jeremiah 4:11-28; Psalm 14; Exodus 32:7-14; Psalm 51:1-10; 1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10
Reading for September 18: Jeremiah 8:18-9:1; Psalm 79:1-9; Amos 8:4-7; Psalm 113; 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13.
Reading for September 25: Jeremiah 1-15; Psalm 91:1-16; Amos 6:1-7; Psalm 146; 1 Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31.
Reading for October 2: Lamentations 1:1-6 and 3:19-26; Psalm 137; Habakkuk 1:1-2:4; Psalm 37:1-9; 2 Timothy 1:1-14; Luke 17:5-10
Fun Pictures Since Our Last Weekly News

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