A Message from Our Kahu
Our New Youth Director!

Opening & Affirming

Open & Affirming Sunday June 26, 2022
The last Sunday in June is designated “Open & Affirming Sunday” (ONA) in the United Church of Christ. Since Koloa Union Church was officially designated an ONA Congregation in 2019, we will celebrate our important commitment to welcome all people into the life and membership of our church!
Join us on Sunday as we celebrate our Open & Affirming commitment!
Koloa Plantation Days Parade

Saturday, July 30, 2022
“Gather Together Again”
Koloa Union Church will once again participate in the parade! We hope to have a float, a walking contingency, music, and hopefully a vehicle for people to ride in who are unable to walk the parade route. If you have any ideas, please speak with Michael Horning, Penny Osuga or Kahu.
The parade starts at 10 a.m., but we normally meet quite a bit earlier to decorate, line up down the street at the school, and visit with one another. Look for all the details in the July 13 Weekly News.
In the meantime, please save the date on your calendar!
Salvation Army Lunch

June 29, 2022
Koloa Union Church volunteers will be serving lunch at the Hanapepe Salvation Army on Wednesday, June, 29, 2022. Please contact Amber if you would like to volunteer.
Volunteers may either carpool from the church or meet at the Salvation Army at 10 a.m.
Prayers & Squares

The next meeting will be in Moore Hall Tuesday, July 5, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
And let us all remember… It’s not about the quilts; It’s about the prayers!
Strengthen The Church

Hookipa Wellness Class

Mahalo to Worship Participants
Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible
Fun Pictures Since Our Last Weekly News
Huge mahalo to Sydney & Caleb (and Paul and Joni) for prepping and painting the walkway! It’s so clean and safe!!!!
Congratulations, Miss Kairi, for her talented performance at her dance recital!!! I understand she was in four dances!!
JoAnne and Penny in Kokee with visiting Oregon friend, Karen. It was a beautiful, warm, clear day. Lunch at Kokee Lodge was delicious!
Office Close Independence Day

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