Sunday, December 6, 2015: Join us on the Second Sunday of Advent. We will celebrate Holy Communion and the children of Koloa Keiki Coop will provide special music!

Farewell Party: Members and friends of the Kaua’i Association of the United Church of Christ are invited to a farewell party for the Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt, who has resigned as Associate Conference Minister and will be returning to Canada. His last day in the office will be January 1. You are invited to come and bid him farewell before he leaves. Here are the details of the party:

  • Sunday, December 13, at 5 p.m.
  • Lihue Christian Church Fellowship Hall (2943 Kress Street)
  • Potluck Dinner: Bring a Favorite Main or Side Dish to Share
  • Drinks, rice, paper goods, utensils provided by LCC
  • Dessert provided by the Association
  • RSVP to Penny at [email protected]

Sign Up to Attend Our Annual Christmas Party: You are invited to our annual church Christmas party at the parsonage on Friday, December 18, beginning at 6 p.m. Sign up with Penny by December 13 to bring something for the potluck. The parsonage is located at 3281 Waikomo Road, just around the corner from the church.