A Message From Kahu: Dec 1st, 2022

A Message From Our Kahu
“Just Enough Hope”
“Your prayer has been heard.” —Luke 1:13—
I am pretty sure there are times in all of our lives when we wish we had more hope. As I read the story of Zechariah in Luke’s Gospel to prepare for Sunday’s message, it occurred to me that we usually have enough hope—sometimes just enough.
I doubt if Zechariah had much hope at all in having children by the time the angel Gabriel came to him to let him know that his prayer had been heard by God. He was praying for a son, even though he was an old man and his wife Elizabeth was an old woman. They were much too old and way past the age to bear children. Nevertheless, he had enough hope to pray…and barely enough hope to trust in the words of Gabriel.
There is a lesson there, I believe, for all of us. We have enough hope to pray and to keep moving forward in the direction of our prayers. May the Season of Advent increase your hope. More important, may you have the faith and courage to act on your hope—regardless of how great or small it may be.
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
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