Church News: July 13th, 2022
Our New Youth Director!

- Invite youth from your family, neighborhood, or social circles to a youth gathering or activity.
- Provide a meal or dessert for a youth gathering.
- Volunteer an area of expertise that you can present to the youth.
All of our youth are invited to walk with us
in the Koloa Plantation Days Parade
Saturday morning, July 30th.
The next youth group gathering will be
Friday, August 12, at 6 p.m.
Nature Hike

Nature Hike
Sunday, July 17
5:00-7:30 p.m.
See the night-blooming maiapilo—the endemic flower of Hawaii in the photos above and below, which grows on the ocean cliffs— as well as many other indigenous flowers!
Meet at the church parking lot at 5:00 p.m.
We will carpool to a place near the CJM Stables.
We will drive on a dirt road but it is kept up nicely.
- Wear closed-toe shoes. The terrain is rocky and uneven! Dress for the wet & windy cliffs, including ocean spray!
- Be sure to bring a camera on this hike. Capture the beauty of the flowers and the stunning coast at sunset!
- Bring a bottle of water and a flashlight—just to be safe.We plan to be back at the vehicles just before dark.
- Bring a face mask for the car ride if you carpool and when we are gathered close together. Friends and family members are welcome!
Kahu will lead this hike and point out some of the beautiful flowers he paints in his watercolors: ilima, maiapilo, naio, naupaka, and more! The entire hike, lasting about two hours, is considered easy and we will go at a slow pace and stop often.
Please see Elizabeth Mares or Kahu if you have any questions regarding this fun activity!
Opening & Affirming

Our church Council approved sending a gift of $250 to the Open & Affirming (ONA) Coalition in order to support the LGBTQ+ community in our congregations and denominational organizations. The Coalition provides ongoing support to ONA congregations like ours and also to those that are considering becoming ONA.
In response to our gift, we received a lovely thank you note from the ONA Coalition:
June 30, 2022
Dear friends,
Thank you for your generous donation of $250.00 on June 30, 2022 to the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ.
Thank you for putting your hope into action by donating to the Coalition.
You, our donors, are invaluable to us and our work.
It’s because of your faithful giving that we are able to continue advocating and teaching throughout the entire United Church of Christ. Already this year, we’ve certified ONA church #1,750 and the number continues to grow. Every month, new congregations join our movement. Our ambitious program of webinars, workshops and coaching is bringing churches together and opening up new possibilities for ministry with and for LGBTQ+ neighbors. The results: an unprecedented growth in the number of Open and Affirming congregations in the United Church of Christ, and a revival of existing ONA churches who through the Coalition’s ministry are discovering radical and effective ways to work in their communities for justice, freedom and dignity.
By giving to the Coalition, and by taking action in your church and community, you are growing our movement in numbers and spirit. The staff and Leadership Team of the Open and Affirming Coalition thank you and ask you to hold us in your hearts and in your prayers. The work is sometimes difficult, but knowing we have the support of a movement of more than 350,000 faithful people in more than 1,750 congregations gives us the confidence we need to face the future with hope.
Wishing you every blessing and the deepest joy,
The Rev. Andrew G. Lang
Executive Director
Kauai Pride Parade & Festival

Thank You Note from Kauai Pride
Koloa Union Church also received a very appreciative thank you note from the Kauai Pride Parade Committee for our participation and on-going support. Thanks to all who participated last month by walking in the parade, working at the Koloa Union Church table during the festival, praying that our presence would encourage people who need encouragement.
Mark Your Calendars for NEXT YEAR:
Kauai Pride Parade and Festival
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Koloa Plantation Days Parade

Saturday, July 30, 2022
“Gather Together Again”
Koloa Union Church is joining the parade as it returns after a 2-year hiatus! We plan to decorate a vehicle pulling a trailer, followed by a walking unit, along with music, and most likely a vehicle for those unable to walk the entire parade route. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please speak with Kahu, Michael Horning or Penny Osuga.
The parade starts at 10 a.m., but we plan meet earlier to decorate and get organized. We need to be in the line up at Koloa School by 8:30 a.m.
Don’t forget your walking shoes, sunscreen, water and hats.
Please write your name on the signup
if you plan to participate!
Prayers & Squares

This beautiful quilt was blessed in church on July 3 and gifted to Sharon McCoubrey.
Please keep Sharon McCoubrey in your prayers. She is in Arizona suffering from poor circulation in her legs and a foot amputation.
Prayers & Squares meets monthly in order to create prayer quilts for people in crisis and those who might need some extra aloha in their lives.
Contact the church office if you would like more information about Prayers & Squares or else have a name to suggest as a recipient of a quilt.
It’s not about the quilt; it’s about the prayers.
Hookipa Wellness Class

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Mahalo to Worship Participants
Lectionary Readings

Weekly Readings from the Bible
Fun Pictures Since Our Last Weekly News
High fives to Nolan Strong and his Keahi U10 soccer team for winning the Aloha International Cup 2022 championship on Oahu!!
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