A Message From Kahu: July 13th, 2023

A Message From Our Kahu
“Our Centennial”
It is truly an honor to be serving as Kahu during the centennial year of Koloa Union Church! This community of faith has such a rich and fascinating history, with a presence dating back to 1835 when the first Protestant congregation of mostly Hawaiians was founded, eventually becoming four distinct congregations based upon language and culture, and then having three of them unite together in 1923 to become a strong and important presence on the south shore of Kauai.
I am especially grateful to our Centennial Committee. Jeanie Odo (Chair), Penny Osuga and Penny Jessup have served with me on this committee for 3 years! Special thanks to JoAnne Machin, our honorary member, who spent countless hours going through files and researching church records and information. Finally, I am thankful for the many members, past and present, who have made this such a special congregation!
As we celebrate during the final week of this month, I hope you will join us in helping with the Koloa Plantation Days reception at the Smith Memorial Parsonage on Monday, July 24; participating in the Koloa Plantation Days Parade on Saturday, July 29; and celebrating with us in church and at our Centennial Celebration Luncheon on Sunday, July 30! If you can’t be with us in person, I know you’ll be with us in spirit. We will be including the week’s events in our Centennial photo book, which will be available in the fall.
Mahalo nui loa for continuing to make Koloa Union Church the loving, supportive community of faith that makes such a difference on the island and throughout the world!
Aloha Nui Loa!
Kahu Alan Akan
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