October 23 is Commitment Sunday!
This year’s stewardship theme is “100 Years of Aloha!” On Sunday, the Rev. Dr. David Popham, Conference Minister of the Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ thanked the congregation for our commitment as faithful stewards in making the world a better place! He highlighted each of the 5 offerings which Koloa Union Church contributes to every year:
- Our Church’s Wider Mission, which we give directly from our general fund to support the mission of the Hawaii Conference and the United Church of Christ national office.
- Christmas Fund, which assists working and retired clergy and church workers who face financial difficulties.
- One Great Hour of Sharing, which is currently helping people and communities facing disasters, in such locations as Florida.
- Strengthen the Church, which provides grants to strengthen new and innovative ministries in congregations and Associations all across the country.
- Neighbors in Need: which we just collected last week in order to assist ministries of justice and compassion, including Native American ministries.
It was nice to hear from Rev. Popham just what a difference our congregation has made throughout the world!
A portion of your gifts to the church’s general fund goes to Our Church’s Wider Mission (the first bullet point) which, in turn, supports all UCC congregations, including us! The general fund also allows us to have a kahu, youth director, administrative assistant; support all of the ministry that we do throughout the year; and pay our utility bills.
Later this week, we will be mailing a letter to everyone on our stewardship mailing list. (If you are not already on our stewardship mailing list, please let us know and we will add you right away!) The letter will include a Percentage Giving Chart. We encourage you to consider what percentage of your income you currently give to Koloa Union Church and then ask yourself what percentage you would like to give. There is no “right” answer. We simply hope that your gifts to the church represents the gratitude that you have for all that the church means to you and so many others. There will also be a commitment card enclosed. We ask that you prayerfully consider an amount, write it on your card, and then bring it to church with you on Sunday, October 23, for the blessing of our commitments. (If you can’t make it to church on the 23rd, feel free to bring your commitment card early or send it to the church office.)
During the month on November, the budget committee will create a budget for 2023 based upon the overall financial commitments we have for the year. The Church Council will review the budget in December, make recommendations and adjustments, then pass on the budget for approval by the Congregation at our annual meeting in January.
Your commitment card is so very helpful in this process! Thank you in advance for your participation and for your ongoing support of the ministry of Koloa Union Church, especially as we as we begin our next 100 years!
Our Stewardship Prayer
O God, just as your faithful servants
have so freely given to our church
over the past century, may I carry
on their tradition of generosity
as I prayerfully consider my
commitment to this
church in 2023.
May my gifts to Kōloa Union Church
truly express the gratitude I have
for this congregation and all
you have done for me.
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