A Message From Our Kahu
“You ARE the Gift”
Did you ever stop and think that you are God’s gift to the world? Each and every one of us is a gift, especially to the important people in our lives and our communities. During this season of stewardship, let us not focus only on the gifts that we might give but the gifts that we are!
When we took a look at our New Testament reading on Sunday (2 Timothy 2:20-25), we focused on the part which talked about utensils made of gold and silver, and how we become those utensils in the eyes of God. I reminded the congregation that we are all gifts given to the world by God and each of us is valuable to God in terms of our worth. I also pointed out that our usefulness in the church, our communities and in the world depends on each of us and our willingness to speak and act in ways that build up rather than tear down.
So let us ask ourselves how we are building up the people around us in both our language and our actions. How might you become more useful in the world through your every day language and actions in terms of encouraging others, building them up and speaking the truth? As we answer these questions, we are already becoming those utensils made of silver and gold!
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
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