Kauai Pride Parade & Festival
This Saturday, June 22, 2019
Koloa Union Church will walk in the Pride Parade on Rice Street in Lihue from 9 to 10 a.m. this Saturday. Kahu and volunteers will host a Koloa Union Church booth at the festival from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Kauai Historic County Building lawn on Rice Street, where we will have literature about the church and our new Open & Affirming status; this will be a family-friendly event for all ages with entertainment, music, speeches, food! Please contact the church office if you would like to join us or know more about our plans for the day.
Aha Paeaina Report
From Our Representatives
Kahu Akana, Bridget Hammerquist and Shellee Riggio attended Aha Paeaina (the annual gathering of the Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ) June 7-8 in Honolulu. Bridget and Shellee will give a report during the worship service this Sunday, June 23, including important decisions and announcements, as well as their experiences and things they learned while they attended the event.

Kahu’s New Book
“Beauty, Art & Spirituality”
Kahu self-published a book about his recent 3-month sabbatical in southern Europe and gave a copy to the church. It is a 22-page book of photos and Kahu’s inspirational thoughts about beauty, art and spirituality. You are invited to take a look at it on Sunday mornings or anytime the church office is open. There are also copies available for purchase for $25 at Alan Akana Gallery, where most of the profit goes to the support and care of the Smith Memorial Parsonage. There is also an accompanying slideshow that was presented during a reception at the parsonage on Sunday. Keep your eyes open for another opportunity to see the slideshow.
Old & New Testament Readings for the Week
Each week, Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one of them on the following Sunday. This week’s readings are1 Kings 19:1-16; Isaiah 65:1-9; Galatians 3:23-29; Luke 8:26-39.
COMING UP. . . .
ALL CHURCH BREAKFAST Tuesday, June 25, at 7:30 a.m. Join the church members and friends for a fun, relaxing breakfast. Location TBA.
LECTIO DIVINA Join Kahu Akana and Karen Johnson at the Smith Memorial Parsonage on Wednesday, June 26, at 7 p.m. for a time to hear and respond to the Scriptures in a quiet, reflective and meaningful way.
“Weekly News of the Church” is provided by Koloa Union Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference. Please contact the church office if you would like to have our weekly news sent directly to your inbox. Join us at 3289 Poipu Road in Koloa!
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