GRAND OPENING OF ALAN AKANA GALLERY  You are invited to the Smith Memorial Parsonage this Sunday, February 26, 1-5 p.m., for the Grand Opening of Alan Akana Gallery. The gallery is a fund raiser for the church and will feature the original watercolors of the flowers of Hawaii, painted by our Kahu Alan Akana. There will also be prints, posters and greeting cards for sale. Drop by, have some refreshments, and see Kahu’s paintings, including his most recent ones!
HENRY OPUKAHAIA SUNDAY  On Sunday, February 26, we will be collecting the Henry Opukahaia Scholarship Offering. This special offering is collected in United Church of Christ churches throughout Hawaii every year at the end of February. Henry was a young Hawaiian who sailed to New England, converted to Christianity and encouraged missionaries to come to Hawaii in order share the Gospel and establish churches. Although Henry died before the missionaries left in 1819, he is remembered today through the offering, which assists church leaders to attend seminary, post-graduate studies and continuing education. Checks should be made out to “Koloa Union Church” with “Henry O” in the note section. Offering envelopes will be provided on Sunday as well. You are invited to give generously in order to assist pastors and future pastors with their education.

MARDI GRAS PANCAKE SUPPER  Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent. Traditionally, Christians “get rid of last minute indulgences and use up fatty foods” such as milk and butter. We are offering our annual “pancake Tuesday” on February 28 at 6 p.m. in Moore Hall. Join us for “breakfast at dinner!”

ASH WEDNESDAY Join us on March 1 (the first day of Lent) for dinner at 6 in Moore Hall and our Ash Wednesday service at 7 in the sanctuary, where we will have the traditional marking of the ashes.
LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS  From March 1 through April 5, Koloa Union Church will host a soup supper in Moore Hall. On Ash Wednesday, the service will take place in the sanctuary. Durning the other Wednesdays, Kahu Akana will lead a discussion on the beatitudes, based upon the previous Sunday’s sermon. Please contact Penny or sign up on the bulletin board if you are able to bring soup, salad and/or bread on any of these Wednesdays.
MEN’S BREAKFAST  The men of the church are invited to breakfast on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 during the winter months at the Olympic Café in the Poipu Village Shopping Center. (The Café is right across from Keoki’s.)
“Weekly News of the Church” is provided by Koloa Union Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference. Join us at 3289 Poipu Road in Koloa!