Church News: October 3rd, 2024
Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service

Watch Our Most Recent Worship Service
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Our online worship services are a great way to introduce people to Koloa Union Church…and provide inspiration and hope to friends and family!
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World Communion Sunday

Neighbors in Need is the United Church of Christ’s annual offering to support ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States, including the Council for American Indian Ministries, justice and advocacy efforts and direct service projects. This year’s emphasis is on mental health.
Together with UCC congregations throughout the country, we make a huge difference in making the world a healthier and more just place for all. Please consider a generous donation.
Special offering envelopes will be provided in your bulletins on that day. Also, checks may be sent to the church office, made out to “Koloa Union Church” with “Neighbors in Need” or “NIN” written in the note section. If you make an online donation, be sure to write “Neighbors in Need” in the “Comment” box.
Community Outreach

Salvation Army Lunches
Our next Outreach event is serving lunch and providing cleanup services on Wednesday, October 30, 10:30 am – 12:30 p.m. at the Hanapepe Salvation Army. There is also often a need for extra servers for their Thanksgiving event (usually the Wednesday before Thanksgiving). If you are interested in helping out at either or both remaining events this year, please contact Belinda Bartels at (253)350-0087 or [email protected].
Holiday Community Outreach
Holiday Donations
Please bring your spare change, cash or checks to feed the Outreach Jar that supports our holiday community outreach.
Thanksgiving Dinner Boxes
We will again feed hungry families on the south shore. You can sign up to bring specific food items to pack in our Thanksgiving boxes or make a cash/check donation. All food items will need to be delivered to the church by Wednesday, November 20th. Sign up at church by November 17: that’s just one week from this Sunday!
Christmas Stockings. We will deliver Christmas stockings filled with gift cards and goodies to families who are struggling financially. Funds for the Christmas Stockings will be collected through December 15th.
Thanks to Becky Sakimae, Amber Strong and our church youth who will shop, pack and deliver the items!
Kitchen Update
Kitchen Update
A Modern, Stainless Steel, Fully-Equipped Kitchen
With Serving Windows Into Moore Hall and the Patio!
Progress Continues!
During the last few weeks, construction workers have been erecting walls, installing plumbing and electrical wiring, and more! Feel free to take a look on Sunday mornings! As an active construction zone, please be extra cautious when walking in the patio area, as there are a handful of tripping hazards. Please keep an extra eye on the keiki as well!
Once the construction is completed, we plan to install shelf and drawer lining and stocking with cookware, serving items and supplies. Barring any unforeseen complications, we plan to begin using our new kitchen sometime in November. Be sure to check next month’s newsletter regarding progress and plans for Aloha Hour after church.
Any additional funds that we raise for this project will be used to stock the kitchen once it is completed. You may also donate specific items that we identify as necessary to have a fully functional kitchen. Scroll down to see some of the items we have identified so far….
Mahalo nui loa!
Alan Akana Gallery
We Are Open for Business!
2nd Sunday of Each Month 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Next Open House October 13 Featuring Kahu’s updated slideshow: Photographs and Watercolors Of Indigenous Hawaiian Flowers Also Open by Appointment
Located In The Smith Memorial Parsonage 3281 Waikomo Road Koloa, HI 96756 Appointments may be made: By phone: 808-855-8806 By email: [email protected] Funds from sales at the gallery support the care and maintenance of the Smith Memorial Parsonage.
Church Breakfast
Join us for breakfast in Koloa Village! Break + Feast
Tuesday, October 22 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. Koloa Village* 5460 Koloa Road
RSVP on the sign-up sheet or by contacting the church office You may place your order ahead of time. (They are closed on Mondays)
Identify yourself as part of the Koloa Union Church group Join us on the 4th Tuesday of each month for delicious food and a fun time getting to know others from Koloa Union Church! Location each month to be determined. Please RSVP by signing up on the church bulletin board or contacting the church office.
Commitment Sunday
October 27th
The Blessing of Commitments Muffins and Malasadas! Kanikapila!
Join us during our worship service as we wrap up our theme “Just Imagine.” We will also bless our financial commitments for 2025, so please bring your completed commitment card with you or mail it to the church before the 27th in order for us to include everyone’s commitment in our time of blessing. There will be extra commitment cards at church for those who forget.
Right after church, join us on the patio for fresh baked carrot pineappl muffins, compliments of Keoki’s Paradise and gluten-free mochi malasadas from Kauai Poke Co., along with beverages.
Back in the sanctuary, Doug Duvauchelle will then lead us in kanikapila—an informal Hawaiian musical jam session! Bring your musical instruments, your singing voices, and your favorite hula attire. Feel free to also just come and listen and watch!
Lectionary Readings

Each week, Christians throughout the world read biblical passages from the Revised Common Lectionary, including the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and Gospels. After three years, a good portion of the Bible is included and the cycle begins again. RCL passages are often read in church worship services, and Kahu Akana usually includes at least one reading each Sunday.
Readings for October 6: Job 1:1, 2:1-10, Psalm 26; Genesis 2:18-24; Psalm 8; Hebrew 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16
Readings for October 13: Job 23:1-17; Psalm 22:1-15; Amos 5:6-15; Psalm 90:12-17; Hebrew 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31
Readings for October 20: Job 38:1-41; Psalm 104:1-26; Isaiah 53:4-12; Psalm 91:9-16; Hebrew 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45
Readings for October 27: Job 42:1-17; Psalm 34:1-22; Jeremiah 31:7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrew 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52
Readings for November 3: Ruth 1:1-18; Psalm 146; Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Psalm 119:1-8; Hebrew 9:11-14; Mark 12:28-34
Thank You For Serving

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