A Message From Kahu: August 7th, 2024

A Message From Our Kahu
“Wonder All Around Us!”
After spending three months on sabbatical in Europe I returned to Kauai in June with the intention of holding onto the same sense of wonder that I experienced while away. Let me just say, it has not been difficult to do! Soon after my return, I began walking in some of my favorite places on Kauai’s south shore. I came across flocks of nene (Hawaiian goose), a number of `ilioholoikauaua (Hawaiian monk seal), and many honu (Hawaiian green sea turtle)—sometimes dozens at a time on Poipu Beach!
The natural beauty of our island provides enough wonder to last a lifetime. The same can be said for our cultural beauty and aloha. I have been thinking a lot lately about the beauty of community as well. When I look out among the congregation on Sunday mornings, I see beautiful faces and am reminded of the wonder of people who are gathered for the purpose of loving one another and the world.
The Revised Common Lectionary focuses on the Gospel of John for the second half of the summer. (Scroll down to “Lectionary Readings” below to learn more about the RCL.) John highlights the wonder of heaven and earth, body and spirit, Word and flesh—and most importantly, the wonder of God’s love which is abundant and eternal!
I invite you to spend some time every day thinking about the wonder that is all around us. Whether you are reading this on Kauai, on the U.S. mainland, or abroad, just remember that there is beauty and opportunities for wonder all around us!
Aloha Nui Loa!
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