A Message from Kahu Alan Akana


“A Generous Invitation”

We had a wonderful celebration on Sunday as we gave thanks for all that we have accomplished during the last two years of our capital campaign, “Maika`i Hana Hou!” (“Creating Goodness & Beauty Once Again!”). It was an honor to have the Rev. Dr. Charles Buck assisting in our worship service, as well as the Rev. Caroline and Tad Miura and Caroline’s mother in attendance for this special day! It was also a pleasure to have Lori Dill dance hula to “Aloha Aina” for us. Lori is a descendant of the Rev. Dr. James and Melicent Smith, who arrived in Koloa in 1842 to serve as the missionary doctor for Kaua`i and Ni`ihau.

Our text for the morning was the second chapter of Acts, in which the disciples of Jesus spoke in the tongues of all the people who gathered in Jerusalem to present their offering to God. Rather than speaking in Hebrew or Greek, which most of the visitors knew, the disciples spoke in all of the common languages of the vicinities from which the people came. This was an act of radical hospitality and inclusion, which has always been the nature of God and of the Christian Church.

As the people of Kōloa Union Church have spent two years offering gifts, prayers and service to the capital campaign, I know that we understand radical hospitality and inclusion. After all, the reason we decided to have a capital campaign in the first place was to be more welcoming and inviting to all people.

The Holy Spirit invites us into a community of radical welcome and inclusion; and then we invite others. It is a very generous invitation!

Aloha nui!

Kahu Alan Akana


Click HERE to watch a video of a recent sermon. Videos of Kahu’s sermons are available most weeks. Please share these videos with friends and invite them to our church. You can also subscribe on YouTube anytime you watch a sermon; that way you can easily watch any past sermon and even receive a notification when a new sermon is posted.

“A Message from Kahu Alan Akana” is provided most weeks by the Kahu (Pastor) of Koloa Union Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference.

Weekly News of the Church

OFFICE CLOSED Monday, June 12, for King Kamehameha Day.

SUMMER BOOK GROUP Kahu Akana will lead our summer book group at the parsonage on Wednesday evenings, beginning on June 14.  The group will gather at the parsonage at 6 p.m. for dinner and then discuss the book Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most, by Marcus Borg. In this book, Borg reflects on his life and how he developed his most bedrock convictions–and why they matter.  Here is an excerpt from the book: “Imagine that Christianity is about loving God. Imagine that it’s not about the self and its concerns, about ‘what’s in it for me,’ whether that be a blessed afterlife or prosperity in this life. Imagine that loving God is about being attentive to the one in whom we live and move and have our being. Imagine that it is about becoming more and more deeply centered in God. Imagine that it is about loving what God loves.” Please pick up your book at church for $10, and sign up on the bulletin board so that Kahu knows how much food to prepare. Kahu suggests that you read the first two chapters for June 14.

CAN YOU ASSIST A UCC MINISTER? Kahu’s friend, the Rev. Sarah Rentzel Jones moved from Lana`i to Kaua`i last week to begin her new position as chaplain at Wilcox Hospital, and her family (including kids) will be joining her in a couple of weeks. For the past few years, Sarah has been an Associate Conference Minister in the Hawai`i Conference and Pastor of the UCC Church on Lana`i. She is in need of bedroom furniture for the house they will be renting in Lihu`e. If anyone has any furniture that is no longer needed or can sell it to Sarah for a reasonable price, please contact Kahu Akana. Mahalo!

“Weekly News of the Church” is provided by Koloa Union Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference. Join us at 3289 Poipu Road in Koloa!