Weekly News of the Church




The Koloa Union Church office will be closed on Monday, January 18, in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Kahu Alan Akana invites you to join him at the Interfaith Roundtable of Kaua`i Annual MLK Celebration!

  • Monday, January 18, 2016
  • 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
  • Carpooling from the church at 10:30 am
  • Lihue Neighborhood Center: 3353 Eono St.

Join us at this FREE event for inspirational speakers, prayers, music and lunch:

  • Keynote Speaker: The Rt. Rev. William Swing, former Episcopal Bishop and Founder of the United Religions Initiative (URI.org)
  • Reflections by Ishaq Mohammed, speaking about his conversion to Islam.
  • Prayers by local religious leaders
  • Music by local musicians

Come and hear how Dr. King’s message can bring peace to our nation and the world through the choices we make. Enjoy conversation with your neighbors and learn of volunteer service opportunities on our island.

Click 2016MLKFlyer to see the flyer for his event.

Click IROC to see the Interfaith Roundtable of Kaua’i website.

“Weekly News of the Church” is provided by Koloa Union Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a member of the Kauai Association and Hawaii Conference. Join us at 3289 Poipu Road in Koloa!

A Message from Kahu Alan Akana

Happy New Year

My New Year’s Wish for Everyone….

On Sunday, we took a look at Joseph’s dreams in Matthew’s Gospel: a dream to hang in there with Mary and to name her baby “Jesus”; a dream to flee to Egypt when Herod’s anger and jealousy made it dangerous for Jesus to remain there; a dream that it was safe to return to Israel; and a final dream to NOT go home to Bethlehem where it was still not safe for Jesus, but rather to live in Nazareth where it was safe.

I shared with the congregation four key themes in the Gospel reading (Matthew, chapter 2) that develop throughout Matthew’s Gospel:

  1. Matthew wanted his readers to know that God wanted Jesus alive because there was a special mission for Jesus: then Matthew develops that mission in the rest of the Gospel, namely, to bring compassion, justice and inclusion to all people.
  2. Matthew wanted his readers to feel the tension between the Empire of Rome and all of the ways that it manifested itself (including King Herod and then his son Archelaus) on the one hand, and an alternative new realm that Jesus was to usher in on the other hand.
  3. Matthew wanted his readers to know that the way of Jesus is not always easy…or painless…or the most direct route from Point A to Point B.
  4. Finally, Matthew wanted his readers to know that they are never alone, just as Joseph was never alone, and just as Jesus was never alone.

These four themes actually point to God’s dream for the entire world: especially that compassion, justice and inclusion are for everyone…and that God never leaves us alone…none of us…ever!

MY NEW YEAR’S WISH FOR ALL: I hope you will be part of God’s dream for the world this year, and that you will share it with others all year long!

Aloha nui loa!

Kahu Alan Akana

News of the Church

Poipu Beach


Koloa Union Church will worship at the beach this Sunday! Our worship service will begin at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 10, at the main pavilion at Poipu Beach (across the street from Nukumoi Surf Shop). It will be an informal, lively service with lots of music and participation for all ages. Bring something to share for our potluck luncheon after the worship service. There will be activities for the children and youth after lunch. The church will provide plates, cups and plastic utensils. Bring your own drinks and beach chairs too if you have any (although there will be plenty of seating for those who don’t!).  There will be no worship service at the church on this day.