by admin | Nov 10, 2015 | Message from Kahu

Since returning from Parliament of the World’s Religions in Salt Lake City in October, I’ve been sharing with the congregation about my observations and experiences there. I shared on Sunday about a concern that I heard from many of the religions represented there: We MUST take better care of the Earth! An indigenous woman from Canada began her presentation with these words: “What is sin? We don’t have a word for “sin” in our language.” She then went on to say something like this: “If we have to talk about sin, then the worst sin is abusing Mother Earth.”
There are a lot of ways to understand the meaning of sin in the Bible, and many ways the Christian Church has taught about sin over the past 2,000 years. Since the Greek word most commonly used in the New Testament is hamartia, I think that’s a good starting point. It is a term borrowed from archery, and it means “missing the mark.” Every archer aims for the bullseye in practice, the middle and smallest concentric circle on the “mark.” If he misses all of the circles and scores no points, he is said to have “sinned.” The word later came to be used in a moral sense, meaning “missing the mark.”
After hearing many speakers in Utah talk about the state of our planet, I am convinced that we have missed the mark when it comes to caring for this home on which we live and which is the source of all life. Our Scriptures are filled with examples of how God created the world and has abundantly blessed us with all that the Earth offers us. May we be committed to caring for our precious home so that future generations will be able to experience those same blessings. As you commit to caring for the Earth, I invite you to answer this question: What will you do this week to care for and nurture the Earth? I hope you will tell me what you came up with…and what you did!
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
by admin | Nov 10, 2015 | News

CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Wednesday, November 11, in observance of Veterans’ Day. (Please take a moment on Wednesday to give thanks for veterans and pray for those who suffer the emotional, spiritual and physical wounds of war, as well as for those who have lost loved ones in military service.)
CHURCH WORK DAY November 14, 8 – noon. We have a list of work projects, including cleaning, painting and “sprucing up.” Please bring your rags and cleaning tools.
THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON November 22, noon, during our Aloha Hour. You are invited to join us for Sunday Service at 10:30 am. and stay for our Thanksgiving lunch!
ART AND BOOK RECEPTION November 22, 3 – 6 pm. at the church parsonage, 3281 Waikomo Road. We will be featuring the work of our Kahu Alan Akana. Everything will be on sale. This will be a benefit for our church’s capital campaign/building fund. You are invited to join us for light refreshments as you browse and visit.
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT November 29. This season marks the beginning of the Christian year, encompassing the four Sundays before Christmas Day. It is a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and to give thanks for the many ways Christ appears in our world.
by admin | Nov 2, 2015 | Message from Kahu

I was pleased to see The Garden Island (our local newspaper) on Sunday morning and read about our church! The article is entitled, “A Beautiful Family of Faith,” and tells of my bowl of sea glass which has been sitting on our communion table for the past month. It represents brokenness and rough experiences (just think what the sea glass endured to get to its present state!), as well as beauty—especially when all of the sea glass is together in a bowl. I shared in early October that the bowl of sea glass is a symbol of our church, for we all have experienced brokenness and rough experiences, and yet we are “A Beautiful Family of Faith” as we come together for worship and fellowship. When I returned from the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Salt Lake City nearly two weeks ago, it occurred to me that the bowl of sea glass also represents all of humanity for me, for people of all religions, cultures, colors, shapes and sizes have experienced brokenness, and yet we are all beautiful in God’s eyes—especially when we come together. I invite you to join us on Sunday and experience the beauty for yourself!
Click HERE to read the entire article.
Aloha nui loa!
Kahu Alan Akana
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