by admin | May 6, 2015 | Message from Kahu
“Riches and honor come from you…. All things come from you, and of your own have we given you…. O Lord our God, all this abundance [that we give back to you] comes from your hand and is all your own.” (1 Chronicles 29:12,14,16)
On Sunday, I told the story about a talk given by the late Catholic Archbishop Thomas Murphy. He was sharing some of his thoughts about Christian stewardship and said something like this: “Whenever someone tells me that they tithe (give 10% of their income to the church), I ask them, ‘What do you do with the other 90%?'”
That question really made me think about all of my money and all of my blessings. I began tithing when I was about 12 years old. I gave 10% of my paper route money to my church and have kept up the practice of tithing for most of the rest of my life. However, when I was younger, I figured that once I gave the church 10%, the other 90% was up to me to do as I pleased. After hearing the late Archbishop’s question, I began more seriously considering what I do with the rest of my money. I began to prayerfully consider questions, such as:
- Am I being generous with all the rest?
- Is God pleased with how I spend and save money?
- Am I putting enough aside for retirement?
- Does my personal monthly budget truly reflect my faith and what I believe are my values?
- As I update my will, can I put aside a portion for the church or a particular ministry?
These are just a few of the questions that went through my mind as I prayed and thought about all of my blessings.
During the past few months, I have been praying another prayer: the campaign prayer for Maika’i Hana Hou, our capital campaign. As I have journeyed through this time of prayer, I have decided to make a considerable gift to the campaign: more than I have ever given any church or organization. I already wrote a check for most of it and am committed to an additional amount over the next three years. I am sometimes surprised at what happens through prayer…what I end up doing that I didn’t know I was capable of doing…how I can feel so connected to a community of faith…how I can trust God…be generous…and find tremendous joy! (I don’t know why I am surprised that I feel so joyful in being generous, since generosity seems to be the one thing that practically guarantees joy!)
I hope you will discover some of these same things as you continue to pray for the success of Maika’i Hana Hou, and what your role might be in it; then come to church on May 17 to make your commitment; and be sure to stay for the appreciation luncheon at the parsonage afterwards!
Campaign Prayer
O God, we ask for your blessing on our capital campaign.
Thank you for all that Kōloa Union Church means to me and our community. (Be sure to be specific and mention some of these blessings by name.)
What do you want to do through me to accomplish your will during this important time for Kōloa Union Church?
Kahu Alan Akana
by admin | May 3, 2015 | Message from Kahu
On Sunday, I shared the story of a church where a very wealthy man wrote a $1 million check to his capital campaign, and the pastor announced this gift to the congregation. The next day, a poor, divorced mother of two young children visited the pastor and told him that she was disappointed regarding their church’s capital campaign…but not for the reason the pastor expected! She shared her deep desire to participate in the campaign, but felt that she simply couldn’t give any more to the church than she already did. She told the pastor that she already tithed (gave 10% of her income) to the church, and she was afraid that this was all she could do. The pastor told her to do what he had asked everyone in the church to do: simply pray, “O Lord, what is it that you would have me do to accomplish your will for our church.” The woman agreed and began praying that very day. As she prayed, she had a “light bulb moment.” She went back to the pastor and told him that she figured out that she could give $1,500 during the 3-year giving period of the campaign. She would forgo her daily “Super Meal Deal” during her daily lunch break and make herself a sandwich for lunch every day for the next 3 years. She added up the savings of $2 per day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, and 3 years (minus holiday and vacation time): It was $1,500! The next Sunday, the woman shared her story in church. Her congregation far exceeded their goal, and I am convinced that her gift was just as inspiring to the congregation as the $1 million gift. I am also convinced that in God’s eyes, her gift was at least as big!
My request of the members and friends of the congregation is that you pray our capital campaign prayer and see what God might lead you to do during this very important time in the life of our church. And please remember, it is not the size of the gift the counts the most, but the amount of love and faith as you pray and act upon your prayer. Whatever gift you choose to give on Commitment Sunday, May 17, I invite you to make your decision based upon prayerful reflection and with lots of love and faith! If you do, I know that we will have a very successful capital campaign!
Our Capital Campaign Prayer
O God, we ask for your blessing on our capital campaign.
Thank you for all that Kōloa Union Church means to me and our community. (Be sure to be specific and mention some of these blessings by name.)
What do you want to do through me to accomplish your will
during this important time for Kōloa Union Church?
by admin | May 2, 2015 | News

Diana Butler Bass Author to Visit Kaua‘i this Week
Celebrated author Diana Butler Bass is the author of eight books. Most of her writing focuses on Christianity in America and what seems to be working (and not working) in mainline churches, such as the United Church of Christ.
Friday, May 8, 7-9 p.m.
Dr. Bass will be speaking at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Lihue (4364 Hardy St.) as the guest speaker of the Malcolm Miner Memorial Lecture. The theme is “Where Is God.” She will be speaking about the book she is currently writing, which will be available in October. Kahu Akana will be attending this FREE event and encourages interested persons to carpool, leaving the church parking lot at 6:15 p.m. sharp.
Saturday, May 9, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Dr. Bass will be having a conversation with church leaders about how we might respond in word and action to a spiritual awakening that is happening in the world. The theme is “Where Is God Igniting a Flame in Our Community?” Please sign up with Kahu Akana for this event, as there is a cost. Koloa Union Church will pay your fee, but you must RSVP and space is limited. Continental breakfast and lunch are included.
Sunday, May 10, 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Bass will be our guest preacher during our Sunday morning worship service. (Dr. Bass is a friend of Kahu’s from college!) She will sign her most recent book, Christianity after Religion, after the worship service for those who wish to purchase it.
Also, This Summer….
Kahu Akana has chosen Dr. Bass’ most recent book, Christianity after Religion, as the book for the summer book group during July and August, which will meet on Wednesday nights at the parsonage. Please sign up at church on Sunday mornings if you are interested.
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