by admin | May 20, 2015 | Message from Kahu

Our Kahu, Alan Akana
On Sunday, we collected and blessed many commitments for our capital campaign, “Maika’i Hana Hou!” During the sermon, I compared our church to a garden. I told the story of how I once turned a very drab cement and dirt patio in my former home into a vibrant flower garden. I soon was having friends over for meals and throwing parties there on a regular basis. I loved having people over to enjoy the space, and they loved being there! Imagine a future where the appearance of our church has that same feeling: where people love being and can’t wait to come back with friends!
I was so pleased when Dan Giovanni, our Capital Campaign chairperson, announced in church that we had already received early gifts in excess of $150,000! On Sunday, June 7, we plan to announce that we have raised our Capital Campaign goal of $200,000. Thank you so much to everyone who made a commitment already. For those of you who are still thinking about it, we need to hear from you by June 1 in order to count your commitment in the grand total announcement on the 7th. (You can pick up a commitment card in church or ask Penny to mail one to you.)
Once we have received gifts of $200,000, we will be able to complete all of the projects in Phase 1 of our master plan: a more beautiful, peaceful and comfortable sanctuary; new restrooms; a brand new parking area with nice landscaping all around; a new church sign; a nice entryway (with non-slip walking surfaces!); better office space for Penny; a place for deacons to store worship & greeting supplies; a contribution to pay back borrowed money from our permanent funds; a new fund for youth; and a few other smaller projects! If we receive significantly more than our goal, we will begin projects that are on our list for Phase 2, such as an upgraded kitchen; an enclosed narthex (entryway/lobby to the sanctuary); upgrades to Moore Hall and the parsonage.
Please keep praying for Kōloa Union Church and for a successful capital campaign, and plan to join us (in person or in spirit!) at 10:30 on Sunday, June 7, at the parsonage when we announce our grand total during an informal worship service on the lawn and celebrate our success with a barbecue luncheon!
Maika‘i Hana Hou!
Kahu Alan Akana
by admin | May 20, 2015 | News
Come and celebrate the Holy Spirit in our midst! On Pentecost, we celebrate the Holy Spirit being poured out upon the followers of Jesus. Join us on this special day as we welcome new members into the church.
And feel free to wear something RED—the color of Pentecost!
We had a fun and successful Commitment Sunday! Thank you ALL who made commitments and ALL who helped with the fabulous “appreciation luncheon” at the parsonage. After church we walked over to the parsonage to find beautifully decorated tents and tables, an amazing lunch, live Hawaiian music and hula, a long list of door prizes!
We will announce the grand total of all commitments on Sunday, June 7th, when we meet at the parsonage for worship and a barbecue luncheon.

by admin | May 16, 2015 | Message from Kahu
Dr. Diana Butler Bass wrote the blessing/benediction for last week’s worship service specifically for our church. After she told me that she would be preaching on Genesis chapter 2 on the topic of caring for Mother Earth (on Mother’s Day) and was entitling her sermon, “Sacred Gardeners,” I asked if she would consider giving us a blessing to go along with her sermon. Here is the blessing from Dr. Diana Butler Bass to Koloa Union Church:
Watered by the Spirit,
May you grow in compassion and justice.
May your soil be mealy and your rains timely.
Scatter your plentiful seeds with abandon,
Trusting that the garden will blossom and fruit this season and many others,
producing a great harvest of beauty and sustenance.
Go forth in the joy of your calling — to be sacred gardeners with God.
What a beautiful and heartfelt blessing. May we find great joy in the sacred gardening we do together!
See you on Sunday!
Kahu Alan Akana
by admin | May 16, 2015 | News
May 17, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Come one, come all!!! Come to church on May 17 while prayerfully considering your commitment to our Maika’i Hana Hou capital campaign. This is an exciting time for our congregation as we commit to making our church more welcoming, inviting, attractive and safer. Commitment cards will be available at church for those wishing to make a financial commitment. We will collect and bless our commitments during the worship service. Then join us for an appreciation luncheon at the parsonage (3281 Waikomo Road): a catered lunch and live entertainment (and amazing door prizes for all who make financial gifts and commitments to Maika’i Hana Hou). Everyone is welcome to the luncheon, whether or not you contribute to the capital campaign.
Flowers! If anyone can donate large cut flowers for Sunday’s luncheon decorations, please drop them off at the parsonage before Sunday morning; just place them in one of the buckets near the carport.
Door Prizes! If anyone plans to contribute a door prize for the drawing, Bonnie Kakinami should have it before Sunday morning.
by admin | May 8, 2015 | News

Dr. Diana Butler Bass
Friday, May 8, 7-9 p.m.
Dr. Bass will be speaking at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Lihue (4364 Hardy Street).
Saturday, May 9, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
As of Friday morning, we have room for one more person for this event!
Dr. Bass will be having a conversation with church leaders about how we might respond in word and action to a spiritual awakening that is happening in the world. Contact Kahu Alan Akana asap if you are interested; the space goes to the first one who wants it.
Sunday, May 10, 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Bass will be our guest preacher during our Sunday morning worship service. (Dr. Bass is a friend of Kahu’s from college!)
See for the details on Diana Butler Bass!
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