by admin | May 23, 2014 | Message from Kahu
This past Sunday, we looked at Jesus’ words in The Gospel of John, chapter 14: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.” I talked about the importance of reading a passage in its context in order to get a better grasp of its meaning. In this particular context, Jesus had begun preparing his disciples for his death. He let them know that he would soon be leaving them, so they felt quite lost and uncertain of the way before them. It was hard for them to imagine their lives without him…or what they should do next…or where they should go. So Thomas asked Jesus how they could know the way (without him). This is when Jesus said those famous words, “I am the way, the truth and the life….” Some preachers use these words to invalidate all other religions, as if Thomas had asked, “Jesus, what about all of the other religions in the world? Will the followers of other religions go to heaven?” This was the furthest thing from Thomas’ mind. He and the other disciples were wondering how they would find their way in the dark days ahead after Jesus was gone, for he was the one who loved them and guided them.
Jesus’ words were a comfort to persons preparing for grief and wondering how they would find their way. In this context, Jesus seemed to be saying, “You don’t have to look very far ahead of you. In fact, just look to me. I am the way.” I think this was his way of letting them know that the person standing in front of them would remain with them even after he was gone. These words have proven to be a great comfort to me this week. My mother died last night in her sleep, and I write these words on the airplane traveling home to be with family. As I wonder what the world will be like in the days to come without Mom in it, I know that she will remain in my mind and heart. Just as the Spirit of Jesus remains after all these years, I have a feeling that my mother’s spirit will remain with me throughout my life. I hope these words bring comfort to all who have grieved. As you think of those who have loved and guided you, I hope you will continue to sense their love throughout life and eternity.
By the way, I will be in California for a week to help with family decisions, as well as cleaning, sorting, tossing, donating, etc. at Mom’s place. I look forward to seeing everyone again a week from Sunday. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Aloha nui loa!
Pastor Alan
by admin | May 15, 2014 | Message from Kahu
On Sunday we read from the Gospel of John where Jesus said, “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly,” and “I am the Good Shepherd.” I shared the story of a family visit to a sheep ranch in Montana when my son Palani was just 2-years-old. Two important things became clear to be very quickly. The first: the owners of the sheep ranch were entirely devoted to the well being of their sheep. The second: the sheep seemed to have total trust in the presence of their owners; they were at peace and didn’t seem to have any fear. I think this was Jesus’ point in his words about abundant life and being a shepherd to his followers. He showed us how much God cares for us and how much peace we have when we trust in God and God’s unconditional love for us. I hope all who read these words feel that peace today and know how deeply they are loved by God!
I also want to say how happy I am to see all of the children at our church! I attended the May Day celebration at Koloa Elementary School today and visited with so many children and their families! If you have kids in your family, I want to remind you that we are having a reception at the parsonage this coming Sunday, May 18, from 3-5, for children and their families! Parents will have an opportunity to share what their hopes and dreams are for their children and the children’s ministry at Koloa Union Church! While the parents talk, the children can participate in organized games and have snacks. Please bring a pupu or dessert to share if you are able.
–Pastor Alan
by admin | May 12, 2014 | News
This is a last-minute announcement, but several people expressed an interest in attending the Membership Gathering that we had at the church last week but couldn’t make it. So we are going to have another one Tuesday evening, May 13, at the parsonage at 6. This is for anyone who wants to learn more about Koloa Union Church and what membership involves (without any pressure to join; totally up to you). We will also talk about baptism of children. Please RSVP with me if you are interested: [email protected]. Also let me know if you are interested but can’t make it on Tuesday; we’ll find a time. 🙂
–Pastor Alan
by admin | May 10, 2014 | News
Join us on Mother’s Day, May 11th! We will recognize and give thanks to all of the mothers and mother figures in our lives (at our worship service at 10:30). After church, we will continue the celebration with a luncheon made by the men of the church!!!
by admin | May 7, 2014 | Message from Kahu
Kōloa Union Church is hosting a free reception for the community to celebrate the release of my new book THE VOLCANO IS OUR HOME: Nine Generations of a Hawaiian Family on Kilauea Volcano.
Please come and invite all of your friends, relatives and neighbors who are interested in Hawaiian culture and history!
Friday, May 9th, 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Kōloa Union Church
3289 Po‘ipu Road, Kōloa
Free refreshments
Signed copies of the book available for sale.
I will speak at 6:30 & 8:00.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Pastor Alan Akana

The Volcano Is Our Home unfolds Hawaiian history from the perspective of the Hawaiian people who lived in isolated villages on the Island of Hawai‘i.
For more info about the event, call the church office: 808-742-6622
For more info about the book, see:
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