Sunday Mornings
10:30 Worship Service
We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to join us in worshiping the God we have come to know as Creator, Christ and Spirit! We worship in Hawaiian and English languages. Don’t worry if you don’t speak Hawaiian because our bulletin will lead you through our worship service and nearly everything is translated for you. Our worship services are designed to honor our traditions of the Hawaiian Islands and inspire you see God’s aloha in every part of your life and throughout the world.
We Have LOTS of room at Church!
- Seating in the Sanctuary
- More Space Under the Big Tent on the Patio
- Live-streaming in Moore Hall on a Large TV Monitor
A Scent-free Environment
We have members, friends, and a kahu who are highly allergic to various scents, often resulting in coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing and speaking, as well as other symptoms. Heavy perfumes and colognes are particularly troublesome. We are requesting that our church be, as much as possible, a “scent-free” environment during worship services, social activities and meetings. We realize that there is no way to keep all scents away, and we plan to continue having fresh flower arrangements each week and lei for special occasions, but we do ask everyone to be sensitive to the needs of those around them when it comes to perfumes, colognes and lotions.
Our Commitment to Your Health
The coronavirus pandemic has caused all of us to consider the importance of seeking knowledge and truth relating to health and safety as we implement new practices in our lives. As we continue to learn about particular viruses, their variants, how they spread in general and on our island community, we have adapted and adjusted along the way.
Our Board of Deacons and Church Council are committed to creating safe spaces for people to worship God, to learn about the life and teachings of Jesus, and to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. While recognizing that members, friends and visitors have varying theologies and opinions about worship services, how to live together in community, and health guidelines, we hold life as sacred, and continue to create guidelines with this in mind.
Please abide by the following guidelines:
- If you have symptoms of Covid-19 or any other serious transmissible disease, or have been in close contact within the past 5 days with someone who has, or you have tested positive, please do not attend in person until you are no longer contagious or likely to spread the disease. We suggest that you watch our worship services online until you are well again.
- Face masks are optional in worship services and other gatherings. However, please feel free to wear a face mask if you are concerned about getting Covid or any communicable disease.
- Social distancing is optional. If you don’t want to sit next to someone during a worship service, please place a bag or article of clothing on the chair next to yours. Also, please ask before touching a stranger or someone you don’t know well.
- Do not plan to speak publicly during the worship service without approval from the Pastor or Deacons prior to Sunday.
- Donations may be given in the following ways: Drop off your gift in the offering bowl on the communion table or in the offering basket as you enter or leave the sanctuary; give online by clicking the “Donate” button; send a check to our P.O. box.
- If you test positive for Covid-19 or any other serious transmissible disease within a few days after visiting, please let us know.
Worship with Us!
Sundays at 10:30 AM
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Sunday Mornings
10:30 Worship Service
We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to join us in worshiping the God we have come to know as Creator, Christ and Spirit! We worship in Hawaiian and English languages. Don’t worry if you don’t speak Hawaiian because our bulletin will lead you through our worship service and nearly everything is translated for you. Our worship services are designed to honor our traditions of the Hawaiian Islands and inspire you see God’s aloha in every part of your life and throughout the world.
We Have LOTS of room at Church!
- Seating in the Sanctuary
- More Space Under the Big Tent on the Patio
- Live-streaming in Moore Hall on a Large TV Monitor
A Scent-free Environment
We have members, friends, and a kahu who are highly allergic to various scents, often resulting in coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing and speaking, as well as other symptoms. Heavy perfumes and colognes are particularly troublesome. We are requesting that our church be, as much as possible, a “scent-free” environment during worship services, social activities and meetings. We realize that there is no way to keep all scents away, and we plan to continue having fresh flower arrangements each week and lei for special occasions, but we do ask everyone to be sensitive to the needs of those around them when it comes to perfumes, colognes and lotions.
Our Commitment to Your Health
The coronavirus pandemic has caused all of us to consider the importance of seeking knowledge and truth relating to health and safety as we implement new practices in our lives. As we continue to learn about particular viruses, their variants, how they spread in general and on our island community, we have adapted and adjusted along the way.
Our Board of Deacons and Church Council are committed to creating safe spaces for people to worship God, to learn about the life and teachings of Jesus, and to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. While recognizing that members, friends and visitors have varying theologies and opinions about worship services, how to live together in community, and health guidelines, we hold life as sacred, and continue to create guidelines with this in mind.
Please abide by the following guidelines:
- If you have symptoms of Covid-19 or any other serious transmissible disease, or have been in close contact within the past 5 days with someone who has, or you have tested positive, please do not attend in person until you are no longer contagious or likely to spread the disease. We suggest that you watch our worship services online until you are well again.
- Face masks are optional in worship services and other gatherings. However, please feel free to wear a face mask if you are concerned about getting Covid or any communicable disease.
- Social distancing is optional. If you don’t want to sit next to someone during a worship service, please place a bag or article of clothing on the chair next to yours. Also, please ask before touching a stranger or someone you don’t know well.
- Do not plan to speak publicly during the worship service without approval from the Pastor or Deacons prior to Sunday.
- Donations may be given in the following ways: Drop off your gift in the offering bowl on the communion table or in the offering basket as you enter or leave the sanctuary; give online by clicking the “Donate” button; send a check to our P.O. box.
- If you test positive for Covid-19 or any other serious transmissible disease within a few days after visiting, please let us know.